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  1. G

    Heavyweight Fast & Vast auto

    Another update for anybody interested. Had to do some emergency construction, the one plant just kept shooting up like crazy. Gonna have to try and raise the one light. Ended up adding a second light to boost the flowering process, a Mars Hydro 300. Plants are looking great, 51 days from seed...
  2. G

    Heavyweight Fast & Vast auto

    10 days later and I'm worried I may run out of room now. Built a scrog but screwed up the measurements, measure twice cut once, and by the time I got around to trying to rebuild it they exploded and it was too late. I've just been lightly bending the stalk outwards to try and spread them out. I...
  3. G

    Heavyweight Fast & Vast auto

    So I'm a total noob, both to growing and to this website. Found this thread as I'm growing this strain as my first ever grow (3 plants in a hydro setup) and felt like contributing my progress as well as maybe get some advice as to my next steps, etc... Like I said I'm a complete noob, basically...