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  1. Out Dorothy

    Lava rock to lighten up soil mix?

    What ratio do you use lava to soil? I'm thinking around 5% rock to soil... Thanks, Waterproof!
  2. Out Dorothy

    Lava rock to lighten up soil mix?

    I'm having a hard time finding anything on this. Do you have a source, please? Also, have a great day!
  3. Out Dorothy

    Lava rock to lighten up soil mix?

    Sorry, I would like to use lava rock instead of coco or perlite. To lighten up the soil and provide better drainage.
  4. Out Dorothy

    Lava rock to lighten up soil mix?

    Anyone use lave rock to lighten soil mixes for fabric pots... like perlite, coco or peat moss? Thanks!
  5. Out Dorothy

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    I will also be trimming and setting up an irrigation system.
  6. Out Dorothy

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    Kinda but not really. Should it be?
  7. Out Dorothy

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    No chance at 40.... 20 25 gallon grow bags...Strains are Mothertongue and thc bomb. I would be lucky to get 3.5 pounds for my cut. Not too shabby for less than 50 hours of work... If I had been offered this job a month ago, the bags would be eight times the size.
  8. Out Dorothy

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    I feel the same way...Profiting from pain is kinda a fucked up business model... but extra dank is extra...
  9. Out Dorothy

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    I don't have the required equipment... :) also, I should add that she has done this for years...her normal guy has to get a real job... it's a small 20 plant garden. I would be lucky to get 5 pounds. I don't see how it would be more than 8 hours of work a month..till trim I will show her...
  10. Out Dorothy

    What's a fair split for using someone land?

    I have a offer to grow on a disabled woman's property.Legal Cali. medical garden. She has the plants. My duties would mainly consist of watering, feeding, picking yellows, harvest and trimming. The soil needs amending, this is where it get fuzzy for me, in order to amend the soil I would have...