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    To freak or not to freak? thats the freakin question

    Does the MG have time release nutes? If so, transplant immediately into a different soil making sure you rinse off all the MG.
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    Book Reviews

    Thanks to you both. I ordered the books :)
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    Ongoing LED Grow Experiment

    Anyone check this out? It seems very informative and honest.
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    Ongoing LED Grow Experiment This site is sponsored by a company that sells leaf trimmers. The author hopes to sell the LED light that he is working on eventually. Even so, he seems to be sharing his information quite freely. He has a DIY guide (which looks confusing to me) and answers questions...
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    SAD Lights

    Thank-you Riddleme. I followed your link and forgot to come back. How embarrassing!
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    Book Reviews

    I am trying to do lots of research before I start my grow. I am already sold on Stinkbud's system. I am up to page 116 on the thread. :-P I strolled over to my local head shop but their choice of books is really limited. I ended up buying a Cannabible because the pictures were just too...
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    How old are you?

    I'm 55 but I'm immature for my age.
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    SAD Lights

    Thanks High Time. I guess that means I can't flower under them. How did you know they are of the veg spectrum?
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    SAD Lights

    My sister and I should be "straight men" only female of course. I say the darndest things without realizing the implications. lol
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    SAD Lights

    PS Is a female also a "mate" :)
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    SAD Lights

    I already have both lights (and fresh bulbs) as I suffer from depression. I'm in Canada and hoping to get my med grow license within a few months but for now I'd like to try practicing on some cheap seed just to get a feel for the plants.
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    SAD Lights

    I have 2 lamps from Northern Lights. Can I use them as grow lights? I'm good at growing normal plants but this technical stuff is difficult to wrap my brain around. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 10,000 lux...
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    Planning Ahead

    My main concerns are odor control as well as heat and electrical safety. My questions will be at the bottom of the post. My goal, assuming it is feasible after exploring the parameters, is to net 2 to 6 hundred a month growing connaisseur pot (not factoring in initial investment but including...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hi, thanks for the welcome. :) I haven't started a grow yet but hopefully I will be soon. I am going to start a new thread because although I have read a lot here while lurking I still have some big questions.