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  1. S

    Very slow growth

    i moved the plants down for the sake of the picture. (the tray sits on a tub) They are no more than 2 inches away typically.
  2. S

    Very slow growth

    All right everybody i've been constantly doing small improvements in my closet (as much as I can afford anyway). So here is my problem, my plants are about 2 and a half weeks old, and they haven't grown almost anything. I have a ionic breeze knockoff in my room (it's a 4' tall ionizer from sam's...
  3. S

    Will Plant Live?

    Allright folks. After sweating over it for a bit, I came to the realization that I probably wasn't soaking the miracle grow all the way through to reach the roots, anyways I figure it's worth a shot. So far the plants look healthier, ill post updates if they right themselves, or if they don't.
  4. S

    Will Plant Live?

    Yeah, I knew I might get into some trouble when I used miracle grow. Such is the cost of hubris. Anyways, thanks for all the help, hypothetically speaking, if I were to do nothing at all (in regards to fertilizing), what are the chances the plant will live til harvest?
  5. S

    Will Plant Live?

    Thanks, I probably need to invest in a ph detector. Ill get on it.
  6. S

    Will Plant Live?

    Howdy, I'm about halfway through the third week of growth and the plants seemed to be doing fine until the start of week three. They are under two 300 watt equiv cfl's. And 2 daylight cfls; about half a foot away. The plants began to show yellowing at the base, as well as began to droop a bit. I...