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  1. Cheese doctor

    Air-cooling question???

    you always want to be taking out more than whats goin in otherwise youll get a build up of positive pressure, smell etc.
  2. Cheese doctor

    Praying mantis v. Spidermites?

    Thanks for the info on the mantis much appreiciated
  3. Cheese doctor

    Praying mantis v. Spidermites?

    Tobbaco tea I'll look into that, I'll give the little bastards cancer. nice one brother
  4. Cheese doctor

    Praying mantis v. Spidermites?

    Yeah they didn't mind at all. I was recomended by a guy in growell (uk shop). I did it at the start of the day so they had time to dried out. It makes sence, to steam clean. You do the carpets,and such to kill nastys so why not the girls?
  5. Cheese doctor

    Praying mantis v. Spidermites?

    Easy all, I'm at my wits end. I'm six weeks in flower and pretty much over run with the little toe rags. I tried steam cleaning twice then introduced the predatory mite persimilis x1000 on friday but to little avail. I know they'll take a little while but I haven't got long. So I was wondering...