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  1. youmightknowme

    Yellow Leaves

    but the tips are curling, doesnt that mean it's burnin?
  2. youmightknowme

    Yellow Leaves

    I noticed these yellow leaves started when i changed the cycle. I cut down on the bloom nutrients and drained it with water but it is still curling and turning yellow from inside. what should i do?
  3. youmightknowme

    Removing bottom small leaves?

    Just asking for your suggestion on whether i should remove the small ones that don't receive enough light, but takes up nutrient tryin to grow. thanks alot. :)
  4. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    well heat could be a problem, but i already have a fan :|, and this is my first plant, so i am payin extra attention, and it doesnt seem like it's too hot. if it was, it would have died long time ago.
  5. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    and assuming that it's gonna double it's size, the plant is already 6in. in a 1g tank. seems like it's goin to do fine right?
  6. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    true but it has been like this since it was week 2-3, and now we at almost end of 5
  7. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    for about how long? caz l want to bloom already
  8. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    how dry tho?
  9. youmightknowme

    no idea

    Okay, so a couple days ago, i found out i overwatered my plant, so i stopped watering til today, then this is what i've found. It has been droopy since a while, but it's growing.
  10. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    Okay, so a couple days ago, i found out i overwatered my plant, so i stopped watering til today, then this is what i've found. It has been droopy since a while, but it's growing.
  11. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    Okay, so a couple days ago, i found out i overwatered my plant, so i stopped watering til today, then this is what i've found. It has been droopy since a while, but it's growing.
  12. youmightknowme

    Wtf do i do

    Okay, so a couple days ago, i found out i overwatered my plant, so i stopped watering til today, then this is what i've found
  13. youmightknowme

    Opinions please

    Woohoo thanks guys I was worrying
  14. youmightknowme

    Opinions please

    I only water it until it starts to drain out, then I stop. Plus i do a full water drain every week
  15. youmightknowme

    Opinions please

    yes i did, but that was last resort, caz the first day i got this plant, i burned the large fan leaves by accident with heat, and they turned really dry n black/ dark green. So what would be my best optioins to fix her up
  16. youmightknowme

    Opinions please

    well i water her 1 day food 1 day water, and light nut mix. I'm using Nova Flora. I stopped watering since yesterday to see if theres a difference, but so far it has been like that for a good week, but it's still growin
  17. youmightknowme

    Opinions please

    okay, this is the first plant that I'm trying to grow, and the color looks fine to me, but she seems to be a bit droopy, leaves feel nice and dry though. I'm not sure if this is normal, so I need someone's opinion on her. Strain: Northern Light Stage: Veg - Week 3-4 Pot: 1G Light: 250HPS...