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  1. D

    plants dying need help

    Yes no nutes. Make sure you dont over water.
  2. D

    Noob Troubles

    Can i put the jiffy things right in to the plastic cups or do i have to take them out
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    Noob Troubles

    They are normally closer. I moved them around allittle for the pics. I movd them from plastic cups to these ones. Is that ok? I watered them on monday evening so you think i should water them in a few days with low level of nutes? And no MG?
  4. D

    Plant prunes itself? Droopy leaves...

    Dude same problem here
  5. D

    Noob Troubles

    Ok i have a few small plants that i am using 5 cfls for light. At first they where ok now the bottom leaves are turning yellow. I think i am over watering them . Some are doing better then others. I am using poland spring water and i tried MG on a few of them. But most of them i havent added and...
  6. D

    Sprout showing bad symptoms

    Dude i am having same problems. i been watering them with poland spring water. I have a dozen or so plants and most are showing signs of stress. I started to air out the growning room but still having some problems with a few of them .