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  1. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    so should i add nitrogen only as a nutrient ? or nitrogen with secondary nutes that i posted above? magical? no one wants to help anymore? Im gonna post pictures when i start flowering and keep everyone updated....
  2. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    I took these 10 mins ago stopped feeding super thrive and flora gro from general hydroponics, NPK... its a 2-1-6 solution, should i be using a 20-10-10 solution btw? Ive been feeding straight water for the last couple of days, the soil is pretty damp so im not watering for the next couple...
  3. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    what do you guys think about adding secondary nutes at this point?
  4. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    below are pictures of the NUTES....
  5. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    Should I add this secondary nutrient at this point? I have not added any of these nutes or any similar nutes (Ca, Mg, Fe) until now. just NPK, should I add Ca, Mg,Fe in small amounts and nothing else (NPK) but clean water to see if my plants are nutirent deficient in Ca,Mg,Fe...
  6. G

    Male or female? With pictures!!!!

    chopped up thanks guys quick question, should i reuse the soil from the male plant to plant new plants, or transplant other plants? or should i just toss it?
  7. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    this is the other plant in my grow, its a G13, i only have one of these at the moment. the rest of the ones i have are Blue Dream, so whats causing the brown spots? is it a nutrient deficiency? the healthy looking leaf is what about 60% of the leafs on this plant look like. the rusty ones...
  8. G

    Male or female? With pictures!!!!

    ok so just to make sure i took some better pics, i dont see a pistol coming out between the "balls" lol so everyone agrees to kill the phucker right?
  9. G

    Male or female? With pictures!!!!

    Im about ready to kill this plant, before I do i wanna make sure its a male and not a female. I believe its a male, am I right?
  10. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    ok gonna stop the superthrive and slow down on the nutes.. I trimmed off all the yellow or very light green/yellow leaves. was that a good call?
  11. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    also using about a ml per quart of super thrive
  12. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    Im using general hydroponics, Flora Gro till now, i was using 1ml per quart, roughly up until now, feeding 2x a week usually. using a 2gallon hose sprayer.... miracle grow moisture control/ miracle grow organic choice/perlite i havent been checking ph, do I check the soil? or the water?
  13. G

    ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.

    New at growing. Plants ready to flower. What are YOUR methods of getting your soil indoor plants ready to flower? Do I need to trim the plants? How do I get this started? How often are you watering your plants? We have an 1000watt HPS. They also seem to be burning, it might be nutes or lack of...
  14. G

    2 months in. Ready to flower. NEED ADVICE.

    New at growing. Plants ready to flower. What are YOUR methods of getting your soil indoor plants ready to flower? Do I need to trim the plants? How do I get this started? How often are you watering your plants? We have an 1000watt HPS. They also seem to be burning, it might be nutes or lack...
  15. G

    UPDATE:First Grow, Few Questions 3 weeks in... Blue Dream/G13 WITH PICS!!!!!

    So I posted on here before when my clones were in the I.C.U. 2 weeks ago All the clones were planted on 2.9.10 , they were transplanted to the pots you see now a week ago.... The info I got helped a bunch and I'm so grateful so thank you to those that responded..... I need a...
  16. G

    Need help growing/starting with clones looking shotty pictures included

    theweedguy: So I should take them out of this soil and try to replant in perlite? or a mixture of the two? how to i warm the nubile root system. Just take a heating pad and place it underneath the rockwoll?
  17. G

    Need help growing/starting with clones looking shotty pictures included

    Should I transplant the already planted clones into perlite now? or a mixture of perlite and miracle grow? How do i save these plants? would planting them again be too much shock? they might just die anyways if i dont replant...
  18. G

    Need help growing/starting with clones looking shotty pictures included

    It's my first grow. An indoor setup. 9 clones total. 4 Blue Dream 5 G-13. All not really looking too great. Under 10 T12 40 watt fluorescent bulbs and a 400 watt HPS. The HPS bulb is on the side, the T12s overhead. Put in miracle-gro organic choice soil 3 days ago in the rockwell cubes...