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  1. growingtime

    Where to cut?

    one of the stalks on one plant is ready to be cut. if i cut it will it kill the rest of the plant? also if i do cut it where on the stalk do i cut?? :joint::hump:
  2. growingtime

    Hell Yea!!!!!

    we left the babies alone for 4 days! and we didn't have to turn it off!!!! 38 days into flowering, the hairs are yellowish. is there anything i can do to make this process go faster!?!?!?! and what else SHOULD i be doing to help them along? -peace:peace::blsmoke:
  3. growingtime


    I have to leave for three days, someone coming to visit!!!!!!! can i turn it off for like 3 days. (lowryder2, HPS 400W, mini cool cab) what do i do???????:shock::!:
  4. growingtime


    its lowryder2, hey would you know if it would be ok to turn off for like 3 days???
  5. growingtime


    First time grower, lowryder2, HPS 400W, Mini Cool Cab. 34 days into flowering, what do i do now? When its harvesting time, where do i cut? and how do you dry?? i need pointers!!!