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  1. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    So how long will the time release nutes last in the mg
  2. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    I understand and I posted for advice and critism...I was frustrated by the people making a joke out of it...I definatley have a lot to learn and I appreciate the advice
  3. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    Bout a month into flower...fed veg notes and flower notes in mg
  4. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    I know organic is the way to go...but the way u guys explain it like mg is poison or sum thin...I've had good yields from mg...its not gonna kill my plants
  5. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    I did my last grow with mg and they came out just fine
  6. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    What do u think I should do?
  7. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    And I'm not in lock out my plants are growing fast...its jus the veins are light green on the new leaves that's it...I don't know why everybody thinks there's something critically wrong
  8. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    Other than the light green on the veins of that one plant my plants are growing perfectly fine...I was jus asking advice Cuz I'm new at this not to sit here and listen to a buncha green thumb know it alls sit there and snicker like some pimply 12 year olds
  9. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    And no I just noticed it this morning 3 days after I fed them
  10. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    Let's see my plants are 5 weeks old...bottom spear were dying off...everything I researched said it was time to feed...I has been feeding them compost tea since start
  11. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    400 watt white/blue LED miracle grow and perlite Maxi grow notes Not keeping track of temp as I just have 4 plants in a closet
  12. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    Yea but a magnesium deficiency is the opposite..yellowing leaves veins...mines is green leaves with yellowing veins
  13. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    This is a close up of one of the older leaves on that same plant
  14. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    I just gave them nutes 3 days ago
  15. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    I his face the nutes 3 days ago
  16. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    I have quite a bit of perlite in it
  17. R

    light green stripes?? idk what it is

    5 weeks from start and now light green stripes in the veins...any ideas??