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  1. Y

    Music you listen to while stoned?

    Lately alot of grateful dead! box of rain and ripple for sure everyday this week. i really like foo fighters and just anything with feeling or not. music :) my morning getting high staples for years include anyjanes addiction and pearl jam yellow ledbetter i have loved starting my day off for...
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    Best ever Stoner movies

    Homegrown is a really good one,
  3. Y

    Have you ever changed a diaper?

    3 kids worth. i still miss having a baby around though. they r growing so fast. no other feeling in the world like standing over the baby at the changing table having good quality one on one diaper changing time. first smiles,laughs, and giggles. some of my favorite moments of life totally...
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    Only 79 more days left on parole & barely hanging on!

    Hey guys, I'm doing ok now that i jumped right in and indulged in a nice sack of mothernatures finest. smh.. I wanted to take the advice, everyone was very helpful with opinions and experiences. And i appreciate it very dearly I really do. I thought about the things said on here, but it was...
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    My organic tea has bubbled over the bucket rim and looks like a huge brain!! why?!

    awesome great advice guys. u had me pegged spicysativa. yea i think i screwed up by letting it sit to long. im going to make a fresh batch. i guess just throw the first batch outside on some flowerbed or something. but next time ill know to use it immediately.
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    My organic tea has bubbled over the bucket rim and looks like a huge brain!! why?!

    Cool, thanks alot guys i was curious about that. Luckily to the foam went down when i unplugged and didnt get as messy as it looked. Accept theres was more leakage then I wanted down the side and onto the floor. I'll try those ideas out though. Everything seems a ok now. I'm going to water...
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    My organic tea has bubbled over the bucket rim and looks like a huge brain!! why?!

    I made a 5 gallon bucket tea bubbler with 2 air hoses and a walmart air pump. Mixed my compost and alfalpha and molasses and let it bubble for 24 hours and then decided to let it keep bubbling. Now at the 40 hour mark it decided to bubble way over. I thought u could bubble for up to 48 hours?
  8. Y

    My organic tea just bubbled over the bucket!? What did I do wrong?

    I made a 5 gallon bucket tea bubbler with 2 air hoses and a walmart air pump. Mixed my compost and alfalpha and molasses and let it bubble for 24 hours and then decided to let it keep bubbling. Now at the 40 hour mark it decided to bubble way over. I thought u could bubble for up to 48 hours?
  9. Y

    Only 79 more days left on parole & barely hanging on!

    congrats on being free again izok! that a great accomplishment indeed! thanks guys i appreciate the advice. yea here where i am it seems the parole agents can be more relaxed about weed only sometimes. i hear alot of stories from parolees saying their agents dont sweat weed. but its a huge...
  10. Y

    Only 79 more days left on parole & barely hanging on!

    I went to prison for getting popped with prescription pills last year. Did a total of 8 mos, and then was let off with 1 year parole. My parole will be done in 79 days. But I cant handle not smoking any longer and need my medicine. After being on different types of pharms for anxiety and pain...
  11. Y

    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    I'm guessing 2 tblspns per gallon of soil is not enough for the pellet form dolomite i found but i could be wrong. just seems like not enough for the mix. i cant find the powder form any where.
  12. Y

    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    ok I found dolomite at the store but its a big ol' bag of pellets, not the ground up powder form.. Any suggestion on how much to mix into my grow medium? A reminder for my mix so far its 4 parts peat moss to 2 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. in a five gallon bucket. edit: i just figured out...
  13. Y

    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    Ok sounds good that's exactly what I will do. Now I'm looking for a safe haven for my plants while they are out of the bucket. I'm thinking the best thing to do would be to gently scoop them out and lay them on their sides for the short time it will take to do the mix in. I dont want to damage...
  14. Y

    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    Great advice thanks alot.. I didnt know it would be so pricey but I'm sure it will be worth it like you say. And yes I respect using local as much as possible, until I can go strictly local all together. Now as far as "cooking the dolomite" I'm guessing it's too late to cook it since I'm adding...
  15. Y

    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    I am reading that I maybe able to go to Lowes and buy "Ground Dolomite Limestone" and mix 2 tbsps. per gallon of soil mix. Hoping this and my fish fertilizer additive will help the grow out for now. oh and I did go cheap on the original base mix ( I bought black gold spagnum peat moss from big...
  16. Y

    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    Thanks so much guys, my ladies and I appreciate it. Ok so my first thought without studying (which I will do), is to go to local gardening shop. Hopefully lowes or home depot if not garden shop ( I've extended my budget somewhat for this phase already so I'm basically broke"). Should I buy...
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    Help plz. I think I made a costly mistake using only peat moss,perlite & vermiculite

    I just transplanted my vegging plants into 5 gal. buckets yesterday. Thought I was doing the right thing, but got mixed up it looks like. I mixed Spagnum Peat Moss (4 parts), to Perlite (2 parts), to Vermiculite (1 Part). I was using a sauce pan to measure the parts and filled the bucket up to...
  18. Y

    Hi everyone, og refugee here. is it safe to come out yet? looking for a new home.

    Hello from middle america friends, Decided it was time to get back in the game. I was on og many moons ago when the shit went down. freaked me out and i hope everyone survived the bust. I hav since been through 2 rough divorces and in the first divorce lost not only my wife but she was also my...