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    plant problem, please help

    until now they didnt have any problem , its only 3 days they show problems , but yea they are only 2 weeks old
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    plant problem, please help

    my plants are 2 weeks old and i feed with canna nutrients 2ml aqua A + 2ml aqua B + 2ml rhizotonic + 2.5ml cannazym + 2ml mono CAL + 2 ml mono MAG ( it says 1-2 ml per liter of water ) i have phed my water after adding the nutes on one of the plants it looks like it has some rust looks...
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    plant deficiency

    my plants are 2 weeks old and i feed with canna nutrients aqua + 2ml rhizotonic + 2.5ml cannazym + 2ml mono CAL + 2 ml mono MAG ( it says 1-2 ml per liter of water ) i have phed my water after adding the nutes on one of the plants it looks like it has some rust looks like calcium...
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    canna lineup from seed start , when and how much should i feed

    hi im starting a grow with canna lineup , i would like to know which and how much i should use for a Liter water ( i have RO water ) i grow in rockwool and im asking how much i should for sprouting that means from seed start On their site it says 3.4 ml from terra vega , it doesnt say if A+B in...
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    what distance from the lights does my seedlings need

    i have 1 week old sprouted seedlings temperature is 28 , humidity is 65% and theres a fan blowing on my 300w CFL light Just wanted to ask if everything looks ok and if lights are too close to my seedlings - my seedlings
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    plant deficiency

    i used 1 jug where i mix all the nutrients
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    plant deficiency

    on the tips you can see some white...thats the calcium carbonate from the foliar spray
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    plant deficiency

    these are the plants
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    plant deficiency

    hi , im in rockwool my plants are 1 month old and they have 2-3 sets of true leaves i noticed what i think it is a iron/cal/mag deficiency so i bought some epsom salts and calcium carbonate i have a foliar spray to which i added 30 ml dutch master liquid light +30 ml penetrator + 1tsp epsom salt...
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    cal/mag dosage?

    thanks for the help
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    cal/mag dosage?

    hi , im in rockwool my plants are 1 month old and they have 2-3 sets of true leaves i noticed what i think it is a iron/cal/mag deficiency so i bought some epsom salts and calcium carbonate i have a foliar spray to which i added 30 ml dutch master liquid light +30 ml penetrator + 1tsp epsom...