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  1. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Cropped n chopped... weather forcast not good so decided to take what i have already before losing out to bud rot... found one or two little dodgy patches on a couple of my buds so possibly a wise call... .. two plants......35 branches of bud some nice n meaty, lower branches bit pop corny but...
  2. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Today is the start of week 8...end approaching weather permitting a cold but dry week..... do buds still grow in lower temps???
  3. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    The third plant transferred indoors for final two weeks... will compare and post crop details of the one indoors and 2 outdoors.... hoping for 5 + ounces from all 3...well we can hope!!... watch this space
  4. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Couple of pics of one of the blue cheese plants...this week it has taken on a purple colouration compared to its sister grown together from seed from same packet! Looks totally different now.... any ideas as to why one is purple and other still green??.is this the natural colour for blue cheese...
  5. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Getting a bit worried about the weather... need at least another 2 weeks before crop chop...cold n damp...showers all time only hope plants can take it! Have just move the smaller of the three plants to an indoor location because it seemed about a week or more behind the other 2 and not sure if...
  6. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Start of week 7 i think... couple of pics attached...
  7. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Week 6 and starting to fatten up...or is it ? Question for more experienced growers... do i carry on with nutes or stop now and just water until the end... aiming for 8 or 9 weeks i beleieve?
  8. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Nightshot of outdoor bluecheese
  9. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Little update... approx week 5 flower ..temps colder this week nip in air but no frost ... keeping close eye but must be way too early to harvest
  10. Onlyonespliffy

    Autofem greenhouse grow(Ireland)

    My blue cheese plants had quite a few holy leaves exactly like this.... do you know what caused it?
  11. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Luckily we never have snow here in october in the north west UK... But temps dropping and could be bit frosty by then! Think these about half way thru flower fingers crossed for mild autumn !
  12. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    yeah i think we looking at end of october first week november.....How are yours doing?
  13. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Having a decent week ..heres my plants soaking up the sun late monday afternoon! Hoping weather stays ok for next few weeks and my buds fatten up! But u can never count on the weather here up north lol!!
  14. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Hey reuben yours looking good! Im up in north west...How many weeks are they look bigger than mine so guessing week 5 or over? This is my first grow so i really have no idea how it will turn out! Really hope the rain dosnt spoil my crop ....i cant cover them up they are at natures...
  15. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Thankyou! I bet they do well down in oz must be better weather than here !.... just took these pics this morning in the a lovely little purple tint or is it my imagination lol .... good luck with your grow... i only got 3 plants but im pleased with how they doing at the...
  16. Onlyonespliffy

    Blue cheese outdoor uk

    Night time view of my barneys farm blue cheese.... approx week 4 flowering.... hoping for end of october / first week nov crop... but weather getting cooler and wetter here in uk...anyone any thoughts comments good or bad? My first grow appreciate any comments.
  17. Onlyonespliffy

    Mollasses mollasses?

    Ok thanks! had to google rizosphere but Very interesting! Probably bit late for me now to make changes but will remember for next grow! Cheers for the reply
  18. Onlyonespliffy

    Mollasses mollasses?

    Seen a few mentions on mollasses being used during last few weeks of flowering? Anyone got any tips on this? My blue cheese is on about 4th week ...will it help fatten up buds or just make taste better? Any suggestions to a first timer much appreciated