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  1. Johmey

    Why I don't believe in god

    Interesting... what say you about inter-dimensional beings?
  2. Johmey

    Anyones Dog steal your stash?Brownies? I got some stories haha,Post em

    haha reminds me when I was up in humboldt working for a commercial grower... They had 2 guard dogs that would eat the trimmings every once and awhile and ptfo all day with stomach aches. They did this every month like clockwork. lol. good times!
  3. Johmey

    A little Humboldt experience goes a long way...

    I don't know how to delete this, it was quite egotistical after reading it. But man, that was some good smoke.
  4. Johmey

    Help! Whats wrong with this plant?

    forget about that time release stuff. These are weeds your are working with here. Trust in nature my friend! and the moon! and check out what mycorrhizae is all about... :)
  5. Johmey

    Has Anyone Tried This?

    I could have sworn I have read somewhere that this will promote males...
  6. Johmey

    First garden, training it, when to flower?

    I have 6 plants, am planning to flower one of them pretty soon because I would like to get SOME medicine going. and that would be pretty nice if they reach 3'! I am planning to make a greenhouse in my yard this week. So I am thinking I will flower 1 of them as soon as it is built ^^
  7. Johmey

    First garden, training it, when to flower?

    They are getting both sun AND the 150 watt hps lighting. when I eventually put them into flower, they will get mostly sun, then be put under the HPS light for the remainder of the 12 hours every day, then 12 hours total darkness. Thank you for that tip, it makes sense that you would flower...
  8. Johmey

    First garden, training it, when to flower?

    Ok so after being up in humboldt and working for a big commercial grower, I finally gained the confidence to grow my seeds that I have been holding onto for about 10 years now. (I know I know, don't say anything, they are defying science and growing well!) I planted them on early april. They...