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  1. D

    Someone please help..

    Thanks for the help and all but this still doesnt solve my problem. I want to know what is wrong with them not what other nutrients i can use lol its abit to late for that now
  2. D

    Someone please help..

    I always keep my ph from 5.5 to 6.2 usually try to keep it around 5.8. My ec is never higer than 1.4 usally around the 1.2 mark. Some are under 600hps and some are under two 100w leds, both have the same problems. Ghe is general hydroponics which does consist of flora, mirco, bloom. And...
  3. D

    Someone please help..

    Hello, i am having a BIG problem with my plants. I have been having trouble with my plants 'mayple leaf'. These are the symtoms. Flowering plants (3.5 weeks into flower): * leaves appear dry with big ridges between veins. * leaves curled downwards * when leaf is help up against the light it...