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  1. S

    Orange roots??????????

    Should I cut of the diseased root or will proxide clear it up?
  2. S

    Orange roots??????????

    OK I over fed my plants with bloom feed and after a week of flushing the system 2 bring the ec back down my plants are showing a slow but steady recovery. I have however noticed that the roots in 2 of my plants have started 2 turn orange. My question is does anyone know what might be happening...
  3. S

    Help!! Whats wrong with my plants?

    I put fresh water in and left them for a few days. there has been steady recovery but I cant get the ph 2 come down under 6.5 no matter how much ph down solution I add. Also th ec reading is 2.2 without nuits how is this even possible? Can anyone help me with this?
  4. S

    Help!! Whats wrong with my plants?

    Whats the best thing 2 do now 2 fix the problem??
  5. S

    Help!! Whats wrong with my plants?

    Yeah at the start of the 3rd week I started using big bud. the ph is constantley between 5.7 and 6.0
  6. S

    Help!! Whats wrong with my plants?

    Can someone help me this? My plants are 3 weeks in to flowering and the leafs started 2 burn. I have attached photos. Is this a calcium or magnesium deficincy?