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  1. weedpotgrower

    Is it a boy or or a girl v3

    Yeah mate, looks like a little slut to me to, wahoooooo!!!!
  2. weedpotgrower

    Is it a boy or or a girl v3

    Yeah i agree to, does look female aswell, but also should wait a little while longer. Soon Mixali, the truth shall be revealed :D
  3. weedpotgrower

    1st Aeroponic Grow using AeroFarm from GHE

    Awesome Stuff mixali, they are looking like right little monsters *EFG* Cant wait to see em flower. I am myself waiting for micro sprinklers/misters for my homemade aeroponic system, but have 4 plants in a normal pot and another 4 in party cups hehehe cant wait to start my aeropnics
  4. weedpotgrower

    Is it a boy or girl v2

    Hey Mixali, mine are looking pretty much the same, the "pistils" are looking like extra leaves... :D:D But DaBong has it right no balls so there is hope