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  1. M

    Which OG Kush does Oaksterdam sell?

    Even a smoke report or a grow journal with the Oaksterdam OG Kush cut would be great - anyone come across any of these?
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    Which OG Kush does Oaksterdam sell?

    By Oaksterdam, I mean the OG Kush clones that Oaksterdam University distributes to the local dispensaries in California.
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    Which OG Kush does Oaksterdam sell?

    anyone seen a smoke report on the Oaksterdam OG Kush cut? Would love to compare vs. the Fire and Larry.
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    Which OG Kush does Oaksterdam sell?

    bump - anyone?
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    **My First Grow 5 Clones w/PICS**

    How tall were your plants before you started to flower? How much head room do you have? I have a similar setup and was wondering when I should start flowering.
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    Any takers?
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    No takers eh?
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    bump Any ideas guys?
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    So far so good or do I have some concerns? The babies are showing good growth, although I'm starting to see some funny spots and coloration on some of the leaves. Pics below. Any ideas guys? I'm thinking it might be heat burn from the recent lowering of the lights. I'm using a 400W HPS and...
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    Thanks for the advice Tom! I've been meaning to shorten those things - I was waiting to get another fan to exhaust the reflector to finish off my setup - which I picked up today :) Will post new pics soon. How many weeks into veg should one start to trim and train? I want to do this right so I...
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    **My First Grow 5 Clones w/PICS**

    Nice setup and grow! I have a very similar set-up with clones from my clinic - OG KUSH, QUERKLE and G-13 (check pics out!). Keep up the great work!
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    Just got a fan and glass for my reflector as well as a pair of yo yo hangers. I can now hang my lights closer without worrying about burn. The lights have now been lowered from about 36" above the top of the plants to about 13". Watered the plants today with half teaspoon of Grow Big...
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    Thanks dagobaker :) Do you guys think the plants look healthy? Especially the two Kush plants above? By the way - just smoked some Blue Cheese and this stuff is great!
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    Anyone? hee hee :)
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    It's now Week 2 of vegging from the clones I picked up from my clinic. I put in a humidifier and the plants look much happier and seem to be growing quicker :) Some observations: I see some yellowing of the tips curling up (not sure if its heat burn or mag deficiency). Two of my OG KUSH...
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    After watering the plants the first day after transplanting the rockwool to soil, some of the leaves are starting to droop slightly and the outer edges are turning a bright yellow with dark green veins. I have tested the water PH levels, added nute per instructions and am using a sprayer to...
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    1st Grow Journal - Kush G13 Querkle

    After a lot of research - I've started to grow my own meds for the first time. Any guidance, comments would be much appreciated. Wish my babies good luck! Here is some info about the setup: Environment: Indoor Grow Tent 400W HPS in reflector Carbon Filter Can Fan One large fan blowing air...