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  1. J

    Has anyone watched SEE MORE BUDS Vol 1 *if so i have a question or 2*

    SOG is sea of green, basically lots of small plants i've seen Grow More Buds and yes, the amount of plants he has is crazy, whichever way you look at it, you just don't need that amount if growing is illegal in your country then sea of green is the way to give you the most sleepless nights...
  2. J

    HPS info needed

    don't bother the attached ballasts will only give you grief imho - they are heavy and need properly securing!
  3. J

    a BIG question to all teh pros

    you should be fine, but as a rule, and so you know how to do it, work out the cubic ft or metres of the room, then get a fan that can suck 20 times that amount in an hour So, in your case 6 x 3 x 2 = 36 cubic feet x 20 = 720 cubic feet So, you need a fan that can move 720 cubic ft (or 20...
  4. J

    please, i need help!!!

    hi guys thought i'd give you an update to this quandry i've been having About three weeks back now a friend of mine gave me one of his mum's to help me along, as due to this problem my plant numbers have reduced drastically over the last few months. This mum was nearly 18months old, had...
  5. J

    please, i need help!!!

    thanks for reply sure shot :-) i'm adding liquid oxygen (hydrogen peroxide) at the rate of 2ml/litre to try to help matters i'm also top pouring 500ml of gnatoff every other day on each plant because i've still got the fungus gnats on this table (i've tried adding it to reservoir with zero...
  6. J

    please, i need help!!!

    hi sure shot :-) thanks for getting in touch my Ph is kept between 6 and 6.5, i aim for 6.2 i've a 110 litre tank that is maintained at EC level of between 1.7 and 2.0 (1100-1400ppm approx) depending on the stage of flowering. Tapwater is EC 0.5 its a NFT system, so nutes are always...
  7. J

    please, i need help!!!

    hi quickee :-) thanks for getting in touch 1st sympton is always the older fan leaves yellowing, then drooping, then goin crispy n dying plant always survives to harvest, just! Its like its being strangled for the remaining weeks and can't take up the feed once those leaves go yellow...
  8. J

    please, i need help!!!

    bump this baby
  9. J

    please, i need help!!!

    hi guys could really do with some ideas here as i'm all out of 'em and i need to save the rest of my head as i'm bashing that wall with it so much!!!!! this is a bit of an epic so i hope you don't mind! been growing a few years (10+) without any major problems cept the odd spider mite...