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  1. Happy Grow 09™

    Too Early To Top :/

    I am wondering if it's still to early to top. It's 26 Days old. Pics: Thanks
  2. Happy Grow 09™

    If it's only April how do you have your plants so big ? when did you start them. Thanks

    If it's only April how do you have your plants so big ? when did you start them. Thanks
  3. Happy Grow 09™

    *Huge Plant Outdoors* Questions ?

    Will the plant grow big outdoors with just good soil and water through out the veg cycle then give it bloom nutrients when in the flower stage? Thanks,
  4. Happy Grow 09™

    Minimum Light or more

    Would the 100 watt of light have to be in a confined box with reflecting or could the CFL's just be hung above on something ? Thanks
  5. Happy Grow 09™

    Minimum Light or more

    What would be the possible least Watt of CFL''s to Veg and Flower a topped plant at an early age ? Thanks, kiss-ass
  6. Happy Grow 09™

    *Huge Plant Outdoors* Questions ?

    I am wondering how to get a plant huge outdoor this summer. What kind of soil ? In planters or buckets, Or in the ground ? LST or Top ? Thanks, bongsmilie :eyesmoke: