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  1. budharvester

    what are these brown spots??

    Anyone? Anything?
  2. budharvester

    what are these brown spots??

    What are these brown spots on my leaves? At first i seen them on a older plant then i just found them on my young seedlings leaves.... they are like orange-ish brown spots(the pic is blurry i only got my phone).
  3. budharvester

    4x4 Grow Tent + Light: 600w or 1000w for flowering?

    Either light you use you will need a air cooled reflector with the exhaust going out the room. A tent is a hard thing too keep cool. I chose 2 1000w hps in cool tube reflectors for my 4x8 tent but you could defiantly use the 600 or even 400. Anything over a 400 will have heat issues(400 could...
  4. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    Ok thank you for all the help everyone
  5. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    I got the humidifier running the same 24/7. See i have never started from seed as i was always able to get cuttings until early this year. I have always been told to keep 65 to 75% for seedlings after u take them out of the dome(That was about 2 weeks ago).
  6. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    So i have 2 of these 125 watt fluorescent bulbs in the bat wing reflectors about 16 inches from the top of my plants in my 2x5. They are still young maybe 2-3 week old from attitude. I've read so much different stuff that i'm very lost. Are those lights good in that space? thanks for all the advice
  7. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    So I have no ventilation in the room but a oscillating fan goin full speed hung from the ceiling. And the temp droped to around 83.5. So I guess my next question is do I need to vent the room to get the old air out or is the fan good just keeping the air moveing? I got a duct fan to pull air out...
  8. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    My low temp is 74.5 and my high is 85.6. My veg room is in a slideing door closet wen I open one of the door's just like half an inch my temp drops but so does my humidity. So 85 ain't to bad?
  9. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    Every time I try to my humidity drops to about 50-55% I was thinking that was to low. I already got a humidifier in the room running 24/7
  10. budharvester

    veg room temp help

    My veg room is a steady 85.6 degrees with 55-70% humidity. I got 2 125 watt florescent bulbs with bat wing reflectors from the grow shop.My room is 5x2. If it matters i got super skunk, white widow, and haze. I just don't know if this would be ok or too hot for the little girls, and don't wanna...
  11. budharvester

    4'x8' tent with two 400 watt hps

    Would two 400 watt hps lamps do good in a 4 foot by 8 foot mylar tent? I just started some white label super skunk and am now trying to get my flowering room togather and those are the lights i already got from last year.....