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    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Anyone who makes hash and doesn't give respect and props to people like Matt Rize, Frenchy & Nikka T, need to have their fucking heads examined.
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    Colorado AG says DIY BHO is illegal

    god that band sucks, shit taste in music, shit taste in life, ho hum
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    Colorado AG says DIY BHO is illegal

    It's poison, just like BHO. Have at it crackheads (dabheads), i laugh everytime another one of you idiots blows themselves up, natural selections a bitch.
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    Colorado AG says DIY BHO is illegal

    nobody should smoke or dab anything in the name of medicine. medicine is used topically or orally, not inhaled through combustion. and there are plenty of options for sick people in this realm these days. 3-5 years from now, when bho is outlawed, and the horrible side effects of inhaling...
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    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    just came here to say you're the fuckin man frenchy. the cannabis community needs more wild, crazy, kind hearted fuckers like you!
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    Colorado AG says DIY BHO is illegal

    The tide has turned, finally. You will see BHO outlawed now, step by step. It's poison, and has no place being ingested no matter residential, commercial, open loop, or closed. There are things going on at the subatomic level that destroy the medical integrity of the resin gland. Stop...
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    Really big problem, leaves dying rapidly

    i definitely water by weight of the individual pots, it's the best method if you can swing it i agree. will do on the low nutes, thanks!
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    Really big problem, leaves dying rapidly

    i think 6.5-6.7 is the best from what i've read and seen. the magnesium & calcium uptake doesn't really hit until around 6.5. i'm no expert though thats for sure. thanks for all the help everyone i'm gonna just give them water and repot soon and see what happens.
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    Really big problem, leaves dying rapidly

    the new growth seems to have the problem as well ever since the problem started. i haven't given them nutes since dec. 24 but i way over nuted them then i think. i got a bit zealous with the pure blend grow thinking they could handle it for some dumb reason. i water anywhere from 1/3 gallon...
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    Really big problem, leaves dying rapidly

    Been having this problem for a couple of weeks and its getting progressively very bad. I have already picked off many many dead leaves off of the plants pictured and the problem keeps coming back. The ph when tested was quite low, I tested the immediate run off with a pen and watering with...
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    best Northern Lights Seeds Feminized From Attitude ??

    white label (sensi seeds) hands down. i've basically determined that every generation of strains beyond the sour diesel offsprings is bs. there are exceptions like tga & stuff. sensi seeds original lineup is where its at for old school mentality though. nl is a great strain.
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    Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble~ FMCD 101

    ok i'm starting to feel like a stalker :) i was wondering once the hash is on the wax paper how do you know exactly when it's done drying? is there a good way to tell?
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    subcool can you bless us with your butter making method please? :)

    hey i'm a huge fan of yours & love your bubble bags method. in the videos you mention you use the trim after running it through the bags to make butter? i would love to hear your methods on making butter with this. i am definitely a believer in your methods after following the bubble videos...
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    Al Gore's ridiculous statements "earths core is millions of degrees"

    since there's no scientific proof on the matter, calling his statement ridiculous, is actually just as ridiculous :)
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    how much does your dope cost?

    seems like you started a thread to brag about how much you pay for weed. too bad you have to live in canada to do it ;)
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    DieselRyder Hermie? Can I use it's pollen?

    don't get me wrong i'm not complaining, i am actually quite happy if it is indeed a 100% male. now if the rest of the non auto-flower plants have this same problem it will probably be a different story. so you think it's a male as well and not a hermie?
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    DieselRyder Hermie? Can I use it's pollen?

    hmm i don't like those odds then considering 2 out of the 5 were male. what is your opinion on the hermie issue rider? could it possibly be a hermie with purely male characteristics?
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    DieselRyder Hermie? Can I use it's pollen?

    hmm so how can a feminized seed from the breeder turn out to be male though is that even possible? i trust jointdoctor he seems like a straight shooter so i doubt the feminized label on the package was a lie. the other "feminized" dieselryders have female parts showing so i'd imagine they'd be...
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    DieselRyder Hermie? Can I use it's pollen?

    noone can use their keen eye & knowledge to help me out here? there are no female parts on either of the two "feminized" seeds. is it possible they are hermie or is it possible they are straight male? thanks!
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    DieselRyder Hermie? Can I use it's pollen?

    another one just went hermie as well, or did i just get a batch of regulars or something? because again it just seems male with no female traits which the other seemingly true female plants have. hmmm