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  1. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Day 17, and yet another beautiful day in Southern Ontario, 26 degrees(thats 78 for all you Americans;-)) and not a cloud in the sky. I think I may have a pest snacking on some foliage but Im not too sure what. On a side note I read that it's easy for some states to hit and go over 90 degrees...
  2. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Heyooh, this is day 16, everything's lookin alright over here. The Friendly Stranger:peace:
  3. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Lookin good swed, how far in are you?
  4. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Thanks doc! Feel free to post some pics of these mofos lmao, I love seeing grows in locations that mine can relate to lol.
  5. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Update! So I know that it was pretty stupid to plant them so close together, and I'd be naive to think all three will most likely be female, but that was my mistake that Im stuck with now lol. On to the pictures, we'll call this day 15. The Friendly Stranger:peace:
  6. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Sounds good man, those were started under flouro's but they were stretching horribly so I put them out side pretty early, and will do man, Ill be updating daily so look out for that. The Friendly Stranger:peace:
  7. TheFriendlyStrangerr

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    Heyooh, I germ'd a few bagseeds about two weeks ago and I've been taking pictures since then. I realize that a more ideal time to start is April-May but I got snow mid-way through April and it wasnt very warm all through here we are. I haven't really kept track of dates or how far...