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  1. G

    1000 watt hps questions

    wondering what the cost a month would be to run a 1000 watt hps. my electricity bill say 961 kwh@0.056. if that makes sence. was wondering how much heat one 1000 watt actually produces. and how many plants can be grown under the lights? if you have an answer to any please help me out. thanks
  2. G

    HPS bulbs at home depot. will they work?

    i was in home depot and came across some 70 watt hps bulbs for 30 bucks each. was wondering if they would work or if i would be better to just use CLF's and how many i would need to veg/flower 6 plants?
  3. G

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    alright i agree.. whats the best way to fix my problem if its nutes in the soil that are causing the problem?
  4. G

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    alright i will do that and transplant them soon into soil with perlite.. im going to buy organic dirt as well with no nutes in it. Would it be bad to flush this dirty without perlite in it? would it cause the roots to suffocate?? Thanks for your help everyone
  5. G

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    alright ill get a tester for my water and see what its ph is at... whats the easiest way of adjusting your waters ph if i need to? if i were to just buy bottled water from walmart would it be fine or with any water the ph needs to be tested?
  6. G

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    how big of pots do i need to get them into.. i have a feeling its the nutes from the soil im using also because i have 6 that were in the 16 oz cups with organic soil then i transplanted them into bigger pots and used the schultz soil and now the big plants after a week are starting to turn...
  7. G

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    there is holes in the bottom of the cups that allows the water to run out of them.. at first i watered them every 2 days but now i just leave them till the soil is dry. i agree that its something to do with the soil.. whats the best thing to do?
  8. G

    help! 3 week olds are hurting.. have pics

    within the past week there has been a problem occuring. the tips of the leaves are turning brown, then the leaves turn yellow, and slowly dry up.. its only the bottom leaves that are doing this the top seems to be healthy. checked the ph of the soil today for the first time and it was around 7.0...
  9. G

    Should i replace my T-12 with T-5 floros?

    plants are about 3.5 to 5.5 inches tall.. have 60
  10. G

    Should i replace my T-12 with T-5 floros?

    i think im going to get the T 5 bulbs.. with two T-5 bulbs be more then enough to veg 60 plants till there big enough to go outside or should i add a few 6500 CFL's
  11. G

    Should i replace my T-12 with T-5 floros?

    is it worth the money to upgrade my T-12 4' floros with T-5's.. i have only 2 floro tubes and im debating on adding some 42watt 6500 cfls. its only for veg before they go outside.