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  1. V

    flavored curing

    it comes in a spray ? i thought it was drops u put on ur herb like a bowl or something and let it dry then u blaze it ?hahahaha am i wrong
  2. V

    flavored curing

    tasty puffs u said that stuff doesnt work at all
  3. V

    flavored curing

    ok how does the lemon kush for example het its lemon flavor and bannana kuch ect...
  4. V

    flavored curing

    so can you add flavor in your water while they are growing still ? will that work ?
  5. V

    flavored curing

    ive put orange peels in my herb back in the day but i did it to make the dry ass herb a li more dense and moist
  6. V

    flavored curing

    is there any other way u can put flavor into the plants as they grow , maybe flavor the water ? just tryin to get my knowledge up to par haha
  7. V

    flavor flav

    can u just flavor them while they are in flower or right when they start budding ? just by adding the flavor in the water ?
  8. V

    flavored curing

    ive been tryin to figure this one out myself ? i thought of that but im not sure if that will work any other inputs on how to get flavor in the buds?