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  1. G

    Need some advice, almost harvest time

    Hello to everyone. I am approximately one week from harvest time. I have read and heard that if I give my plants ice water on the last watering it will stress the plant in producing more THC, also if I leave my plants in complete darkness for the last 2 or 3 days again it will produce more...
  2. G

    foliar spray

    Hi everyone, just a quick question. Once the buds are out on my plant should I continue with the foliar spray or just water the earth. Thanks
  3. G

    Please help me

    You are absolutely right, it is a challenge growing different strains and I am watching them constantly and having a wonderful time, and for sure I will pick only one or two the next time around. My son in law has checked the roots and they are black. So I guess we have root rot, so we are...
  4. G

    Please help me

    Ten inch pot and they are not that big, so I don't think the roots are to tight.
  5. G

    Please help me

    Quick questions, is it too late to try and clone to save the strains? Thanks
  6. G

    Please help me

    Thanks for your help. Actually the soil is a little too moist at the moment and I was thinking maybe could it be root rot. What do you think? By the ways the 2 that are in peril are both sativas and the others that are doing well are indicas. Could the sativas be more sensitive to light or...
  7. G

    Please help me

    Hi to all, I need help desperately. I have 6 different strains in my grow room and all were doing well until 2 days ago. While 4 of them are growing wonderfully 2 are dying. I don't know what could be wrong as I have been watering and caring the same for all of them. Could someone please...
  8. G

    how are my lights?

    Actually the tent is a 5 x 5. I guess it looks smaller in the pics. So you are saying as long as it is not too hot I can put my little girls under the light. Should I repot in bigger pots first, or just leave them for a couple more weeks or until there are roots showing in the bottom?
  9. G

    how are my lights?

    Do you think in another week I can use my big 1000w in my tent? If yes, do I bring the light low, like 6 or 8 inches away? Also should I replant in another week into bigger pots?
  10. G

    how are my lights?

    Here is a picture of how far the lights are away from them. And when I replant you say to bury the stems? Is that right?
  11. G

    how are my lights?

    My seedlings are doing pretty good I think. The stems are a little weak, so I supported them with toothpicks and tied them with thread. Since I changed my lighting system, they are much bigger. I have 4 100w cfl bulbs. I tried them in the tent with the lights, but it seemed a little too dark...
  12. G

    My new seedlings

    Is this better, and if ok should I leave lights on for 24 hours for a while
  13. G

    My new seedlings

    I would like to introduce you to my new seedlings. I have changed my lighting arragement as the l000w was generating too much heat and removing all the humidity in the tent. Even with the flaps opened and a fan running the earth was constantly dry. Temperatures were in the 90's and humidity...
  14. G

    seedling lights???

    Thanks so much for your great advise. Here is my new set up, I think it looks a little more like a pro,
  15. G

    seedling lights???

    Ok just found the answer in another post. Now I know what kind of light you are talking about. Thanks again
  16. G

    seedling lights???

    Thanks for your advise, but trying to look to see what "cpl cfl's" lights mean and when you say a small flouro do you mean a small fluorescent light? Sorry for my ignorance, this is my first time and I do want to succeed.
  17. G

    seedling lights???

    I planted my germinated seeds this morning. I have my tent with 1000w ready to receive them but at some suggestions a neon works also to start. It is a regular neon in the basement that I arranged with reflection paper. Have a look at the picture and see if this is ok for the first week or...
  18. G

    Light for my seedlings

    I just planted my seedlings and was reading different threads regarding lighting. I was planning on putting my seedlings directly in my tent under 1000 bulb high above the seedlings. Some threads are saying seedlings should not have too much light for the first week or so. Should I just put...
  19. G

    I'm on my way, yahooo

    I was just looking at different threads regard lights for seedlings. I was planning on putting my seedlings right in the tent with the big light high above them, but some say not to give them too much light in the first three or four days. Should I just keep them under a neon so they don't get...
  20. G

    I'm on my way, yahooo

    Oh my that certainly looks good, I think, from some pictures I've seen. Let's hope I can accomplish something that looks at least similar.