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  1. Timc420

    Scrogg advise please

    I like your style and we must think alike . She's coming over tomorrow and every thing is safely packed away and will be re-appearing the second she leaves
  2. Timc420

    Scrogg advise please

    Hiigh Thanks for getting back to me . My idea is to so a ScrogG with smaller plants . I have the 8 in veg that are topped already . And they are only about 10 inches and the measurements were in metric . I'm not a feet and inches kind of person lol I like the idea of Dwc . I heard that it's...
  3. Timc420

    Scrogg advise please

    Hi guys thanks for the response I'm going to lollipop them a few weeks before switch. I have always had a bigger area and I'm not used to such a small space . I just do it for my self rather than associate with dodgey people and put money in there pockets. I suffer with social anxiety . So this...
  4. Timc420

    Scrogg advise please

    Hey . I'm looking to do a scrogg and I'm after some advice . How many plants would or should I use ? I using ... 2.4 x 1.2 x 2.0 alien tent 2 x 600 hps 6" rvk150 extraction Rhino 8" filter Rvk150 intake 2x 16" osc fans Strain .tutankhamun x 8 Already topped Is this too much or too...
  5. Timc420

    Any 1 grown tutankhamun need advice

    Hi all I'm new to the site but have grown before . I'm trying a strain of tutankhamun they are 3 weeks from seed and they seem to be stretching quite a lot. This is my first time growing in a small area .so heres what I have .. Alien 2.4 x 1.2 x 2 (meters) 2 x 600 hps lights 1x 125w cfl 8''...