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  1. F

    leaves are drooping help

    im using a flood and drain system feeding them 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 30 minutes at a time
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    leaves are drooping help

    can anybody help me i am doing 20 plants there 4 weeks in to veg and on about 7 ov them all the leaves are drooping real bad theres no problem wiv the colouring on them there just saggin and drooping does anybody no why this might be happenin ?
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    white rhino flower pics ?????

    hi all as anybody got any pics ov white rhino plant roughly 3 weeks into flower so i can compare how mine are lookin at the minute im thinking that my buds are really small and arent really growing or swelling since they first appeared about a week and half ago maybe me been paranoid ?? any pics...
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    help a newbie. nutes question

    does anybody else have more info on this in more detail im still not sure what strength to go at
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    help a newbie. nutes question

    does anybody else have more info on these for me plz i no wen to use them i just dont no how strong to go
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    help a newbie. nutes question

    as anybody used these nutes before ? what strength did you mix yours at
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    help a newbie. nutes question

    hi all im growing 12 white rhino in coco and using the canna products ive just put them in flower i have just bought pk3-14 and canna boost accelerator i no when they need to be used im just not too sure on the strength. on the bottle the pk says to mix 15ml to 10 litres and the boost 20ml to 10...
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    question on cuttings

    does it have to be under my 600w hps light then ?? or just next to my plants
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    question on cuttings

    im thinking about doing my own cuttings if i buy a propagator does it just go in my grow room or do i need a seperate light for it ? if ye which sort of light do i need.
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    cuttings ??

    can anybody send me a link on how to take cuttings ??
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    hi anybody no wer i can buy a 4 way contacter from ??????????????
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    coco nutrients help me out

    hi does anybody use canna coco nutrients just wondering if anybody could tell me what strength to start with my cuttings when i first add the nutrients
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    light cycle question

    11 in the morning !!
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    Anybody Use Auto Pot Systems?

    so u not used auto pot before? have u seen them tho
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    Anybody Use Auto Pot Systems?

    hi all im a newbie to all this ive js started my 1st grow using a 6 pot auto pot system i was on a budget and it was the cheapest setup i could find. does anybody use these ?? if yes av u any advice or info what could help me on my way . cheerz much apprechiated
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    Training during flowering?

    supercropping ??? im a newbie and not familiar with that can you help me out ??
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    wer can i get a cheap PH meter from

    hi all could any1 help me out with wer to get a cheap PH testwer from i need 1 urgently but im on a tight budget
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    question on white rhino flowering

    thanks mate
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    question on white rhino flowering

    come on somebody must be able to help me out
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    is FIM and toppin the same thing ??

    fimmin sounds better to me what do you prefer