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  1. V

    I cannot tell the sex of the plant

    anyway,thank you all for the advice...I 'll keep on believing that it's not a female
  2. V

    a little help for the male of my plant

    ok man thanks...I have just upload a picture of my male(think so)plant...if you don't mind take a look....thanks
  3. V

    I cannot tell the sex of the plant

    I know that this may be a male plant but if you can telll for sure please help...thanks
  4. V

    a little help for the male of my plant

    I have turned the lighting from my plants from 24h/24/ to 12h/24h before 10 days.the one I think is male so I seperated it from the other.Yet,I cannot see crearly the white hairs(pistils) on the other plant...but it is different from the male one...What can it be it's sex? (sorry for my english)