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  1. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    I have a digital timer, but it just tripped out for no reason, and idk if im going to be able to keep growing, I just got a new job working 20 hours away, and I'll be gone for a month at a time so probably not gonna be able to finish them, but how long were they in veg?
  2. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    My damn timer tripped out on me this morning, walked in my closet and the lights kept just turning on and off, and I can't figure out how to fix it. So I have to get a timer when I have the chance,
  3. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    How old are your plants bro? And what strain are you growing? And what kinda light schedule are you doing? Just wondering bc your plants look pretty nice and this is my first cfl grow, so I'm still learning.
  4. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    Just a quick update, I'm in a hurry, so I didn't take a picture of each plant, but they are all growing so fast it's crazy, my whole room smells like weed already, but they are doing terrific, and I haven't used any nutrients yet, I'm about to get some, just been so busy with work. Plus all this...
  5. Tee Jayy

    Hello people can you have a look at my baby's

    Yeah you can smell it when you walk into my bedroom, but I keep my door shut, and no one goes in my room.
  6. Tee Jayy

    How do I set up an indoor grow?

    I plan on adding a lot more lights tho, it's always better to have more lights.
  7. Tee Jayy

    How do I set up an indoor grow?

    This is my setup, I have a total of 14 plants and they are all growing great! I just lined the wall with tin foil,
  8. Tee Jayy

    Who wants to start a new grow?

    Nope just a walk in closet! And thanks man!
  9. Tee Jayy

    Who wants to start a new grow?

    This is my setup for them! Plus the 3 new seedlings I planted today, one sprouted earlier and another just sprouted an hour ago, waiting on one more to pop up out the soil now.
  10. Tee Jayy

    Who wants to start a new grow?

    This is from today mine was germ and planted the same day as yours!
  11. Tee Jayy

    Check out my forum in cfl grows to see my grow and to keep up with my progress throughout this grow.

    Check out my forum in cfl grows to see my grow and to keep up with my progress throughout this grow.
  12. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    Wouldn't let me attach more than 10 photos OneLove.
  13. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    Well I just added 3 new seedlings I had been germinating for the last 3 days and one sprouted already! I have 7 more that are germing right now, and should be ready today or tomorrow. But here is an update on all my plants, the pictures I posted last were from about a week or two ago, but these...
  14. Tee Jayy


    This is mine at 20 days old! I learned from my mistakes on my last grow and I'm doing a lot better this time! First time using cfl tho, usually I let Mother Nature do all the work, but I thought I'd give this a try!
  15. Tee Jayy


    I use the same method, except I put my seeds in a cup of water for about 24 hours, I let them sink to the bottom of the cup, then I get paper towels and put them in a sandwich bag and tape it shut and put it in my window seal for 3 days and boom, I have like a 1 to 3 inch tap root, works...
  16. Tee Jayy

    almost done with my box...need a little help.

    Haha no it's an old computer tower, just needed something to set my little fan on and it was already in my closet, so I just left it there!
  17. Tee Jayy

    almost done with my box...need a little help.

    I have 10 plants and 3 new seedlings I just planted yesterday and all I have is the small fan in the second picture, it works just fine but I have the same problem with noise, but oh well no one ever ask me what that noise is!
  18. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    Sorry forgot some pictures
  19. Tee Jayy

    10 plant cfl grow room! First cfl grow.

    I know I just posted another thread but I meant to put how many plants I had in the title and I couldn't figure out how to edit it, mainly bc I'm pretty baked right now. Haha. Anyways just let me know what yall think about my grow room, it's my 2nd grow, first time to use cfl. The first few...
  20. Tee Jayy

    Hello people can you have a look at my baby's

    Man I think they look terrific! I'm doing my first cfl grow and I hope mine turn out as good as yours did! & it looks like you will get a nice yield! Good job bro! Keep up the good work! One Love.