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  1. W

    First Time attempt

    Yer right, I did overwater in the beginning. Caught on later about the negatives of MG. It's been about a month since transplanting and after a watering today I detected one of those little green balls on top of the soil. Time-release fertilizer, not good, I now know...
  2. W

    First Time attempt

    They were started in red solo cups with some MG soil but later moved into patio plus soil. Could that be the problem? Remember, i'm a total newbie to this...
  3. W

    First Time attempt

    Here are some better pics up close.
  4. W

    First Time attempt

    I noticed the two white hairs a couple days ago. They're still quite small, and it is late in the year. Maybe i'll get a couple joints out of them! The other two plants appeared to be male so I killed them. It appears that I have one indica and one sativa?
  5. W

    First Time attempt

    Transplanted into larger pots. Noticed spider mites and am in the process of treating. Leaves are curling down on a couple of the plants. Also, some leaves look a little pale. Only been two days since transplant. Question about ambient light. Will seven hours of direct hot Sun and 5 hrs of warm...
  6. W

    First Time attempt

    They are well hidden from public view. As far as legality, I hold a current doctor's recommendation for the medicinal use of marijuana as stated in the CA Health and Safety Code 11362.5.
  7. W

    First Time attempt

    Have them on rooftop during the day and bring them in during night. Don't have light setup indoors. Been havin 90°+ weather...
  8. W

    First Time attempt

    Coming along....the plant on far left has a second set of leaves with give points.
  9. W

    First Time attempt

    I plan on moving to larger pots in about a week. I honestly started reading up on growing after they sprouted. It will be a fun learning experience! Thank you for feedback.
  10. W

    First Time attempt

    Planted seeds 17 days ago. Curious if they look alright. Seem small. Outdoor direct Sun for about 10 hrs per day.bongsmilie