Search results

  1. Rydub

    Advanced Nutrients Micro Bloom, Connisseur, Sensi 2 part, or 100% Organic? Which one?

    Im useing the 3 part in veg and the Connisseur in flower, plus most of the boosters and benificals. When i switched over to bloom with Connisseur and bud ignitor i saw some pretty impressive growth without much stretch so far. plants seem to love this stuff! but ill know more in 7 weeks or so.
  2. Rydub

    Wonder Woman in 5 gallon dwc bucketeer

    im growing Wonder woman too. I had only 3 of 5 seeds germinate for me , and only 2 lived. but the plants are well worth it. i germinate seeds by soaking the rockwhool cubes in 5.5 ph water then put the seed into the rock whool . then put them in a big zip lock bag and create a tent with it...
  3. Rydub

    cloning Temps and light times?

    thank you for the info. plus rep.
  4. Rydub

    cloning Temps and light times?

    what is ideal air temps for cloning and how long do they need to be under light per day? Any help would be apprecited.
  5. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    Things are looking pretty good im going to be switching over to 12/12 in 2 days. im using 2 600w Hps hung verticaly, turning plants 1/4 turn each day. I plan to use the advanced nutrients connisuior a/b formula, bud ignitor, carboload,big bud,overdrive,superthrive and hydrozym on feedings...
  6. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    Just Put all the plants into the the flower room going to finish the last week of veg with the HPS lights.
  7. Rydub

    My Wonder Woman Grow

    Wonder Woman all the way. Just subcribed! Looking good bro. :eyesmoke:
  8. Rydub

    Nirvana Wonder Woman,4 plants Flood\Drain hydro

    Looking Nice and healthy! subcribed.
  9. Rydub

    Wonder Woman LST

    looking good bro! subscribed.
  10. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    I read up on that Wonder Woman grow you did what do you think happened?
  11. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    Thanks! i hope the Flowering goes as well as the veg has.
  12. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    5th week in veg starting. ill probally let them go 1 more week then switch to 12/12. BUt i am running out of room in the veg space.
  13. Rydub

    What Is the Average? (Grams Per Watt)

    i have heard that if you can control the enviroment well enough, that vertical hanging lights with no reflectors can produce you 10%-20% more weed . By getting more light to the lower budding sites. Try to surround the light with plants and turn them 1/4 turn each day.
  14. Rydub

    What type of weed am i looking for?

    Attitude seed company use to search it (stealth search) Had the seeds sent stealth that way there guarenteed costs a little more but worth it. Got mine in about 1 1/2 weeks.
  15. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    Ive seen some pretty vigourous growth over the last 4 days i figured i post some pics. Wonder Woman Both of the Wonder Women Huge 9 leafer Wonder woman 11 leafer on Wonder woman Largest PPP Tons of buding sites on the PPP 6 plant garden
  16. Rydub

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    Thank you , They took 2 or 3 days to sprout i used rockwhool to germinate. I soaked 1 inch rockwhool cubes in 5.5 ph water for 24 or so and then put the seeds in them and closed the top so no light can get in. I put them in a large Zip lock bag and kind of made a tent out of it , leaveing just a...
  17. Rydub

    Top 5 strains from Nirvana?

    The 2nd pic is the Wonder Woman, It has HUGE leaves on her, very vigourus so far. Thanks for the info on the thumbs:eyesmoke:
  18. Rydub

    Top 5 strains from Nirvana?

    Im growing the Wonder woman and the PPP Both are looking good havent started flowering yet 4 weeks into veg. But i must say that so far the Wonder Woman is looking Killer. it will be a awhile before i know for sure though. By the way how would i Attach thunbs instead of posting full pics...
  19. Rydub

    Colorado Questions

    i was specifiacly told face to face with the owner of the dispencery i decided to go to. I told him specificaly that i want my privlidge to grow all 6 of my plants. He told me straight up and straight faced that the patient does not wave his privelidge to grow his 6 plants even though i put them...
  20. Rydub

    Colorado Questions

    my dispensary told me that i can never lose or sign over my rights to grow my 6 plants. And that im only giving them the right to grow 6 six also as a my care giver. If you read the law it never says you give up your right to grow when you list a care giver.