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  1. altehm33k

    3 Word Story

    Wassup wit dat?
  2. altehm33k

    Fed's supposedly making no plan to intercede in Washington States marijuana policy.

    I'm 24 years old. I've lived in WA my whole life. I do not have a medical card. And right now I'm smoking weed in my house...and it's 100% legal. And I think that's just fantastic. bongsmilie
  3. altehm33k

    3 Word Story

    in his hat :dunce:
  4. altehm33k

    What Are You Listening To?

  5. altehm33k

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I really do think Xtreme Hula-Hooping could be the next big thing.
  6. altehm33k

    Hello!!!! My name's Al!!

    Hey there folks! My name is Al. How's it goin'? :bigjoint: