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  1. H

    tiny yield=EXTREMELY frustrated

    Thanks- I will try letting them bloom longer. What type of blooming fert do you suggest?
  2. H

    tiny yield=EXTREMELY frustrated

    Thanks for the input. I am growing the plants in soil, in 4 quart plastic buckets. I keep the tops of the plants about 6-8 inches from the light. I tried keeping them farther away than that but had stretching problems as a result. I keep the vegging plants in a separate area and grow them...
  3. H

    tiny yield=EXTREMELY frustrated

    I’m at my wits end with my plants and I was hoping to get some advice from some experienced growers. For the past year I’ve been trying to get a supply built up, but my yield has been extremely low. I’m talking less than ¼ ounce per plant, usually white widow or skunk. I know...