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  1. savage365

    Meter reader in my apt complex

    i already have sound control. and i'll be taking care of odor once i go to 12/12... just seeing that guy checking meters sketched me out for a minute.
  2. savage365

    Meter reader in my apt complex

    Hey, I have a quick question for you guys... I just noticed this meter reader in my apt complex, would a 1000 watt light and the inline fan used to cool it be something he would be likely to notice? I figure I'll just show higher than avg. but I'd rather be safe than sorry..
  3. savage365

    Favorite And Least Favorite TV Shows?

    it's always sunny in philadelphia
  4. savage365

    what are the odds you will get cought with this

    it's not like most florist shops have plants growing under bright ass hps lighting though... if you hid the plants in the back of the shop then it would be irrelevant what type of shop you have. but, why would you go through all the trouble of opening a business just to cover a grow when you...
  5. savage365

    Males, or too early to tell?

    looks like a dude, dude. i'd wait a few more days to be sure but usually the white hairs don't come from those pod-looking things.