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  1. D

    Please help asap

    Appreciate the note. What’s weird is I started off at like 1/4 nutes because of my last (first grow) learning from jute burn. To me it didn’t look orange like the nute burn from last time I gradually went up on nutes however, I was in full force come flowering. My question would be how do I...
  2. D

    Please help asap

    So this has now gotten out of control I added cal mag. 5ML per gallon for both feeding and watering and it’s continuing to get worse and looks like these plants may be damn near dead. Is nutrient lockout a possibility? I gave them a hefty flush of about 20gallons with 6.5 ph yesterday but I need...
  3. D

    Please help asap

    What does this look like need help asap? Leaves are very lite colored and dark spots on them. Soil Fox farm nutrients 3 weeks into flow Ph alway check-6.3-6.6 Rotate between feed n water.
  4. D

    Discolor during flower-help

    I’m about 3 weeks into flower and having yellowish leaves towards the top with dark spots. See pictures. And starting to get worse. Here’s the specs - in soil using 747 solid and farm farm dirty dozen nutrients line - lights (2) sf4000 spider farmer - I PH check all nuts and water between...
  5. D

    Is this spider mites

    The thing is I have quite a few good bugs tiny as hell under my plants. That’s why I’m wondering if it’s a combination of the two
  6. D

    Is this spider mites

    I did see some bugs that looked gold. Just wondering if I have other issues going on. When you say cal mag are you thinking deficiency or toxicity
  7. D

    Is this spider mites

    Someone suggested this may be spider mites but wanted to get everyone’s feedback.
  8. D

    Issues with spots

    Hi all need some help. This is my second grow but first time from clones which were from my original grow that were cloned and then cloned from them. So basically 3rd gen clones. I’m having an issue with all these spots and discoloration. I started the clones 1st week in July and potted them...
  9. D

    Curl up and brown spots hellllllppppo

    So I’m sure what ur recommending here. Seems like statements but I’m not sure. What’s your recommendation
  10. D

    Curl up and brown spots hellllllppppo

    【Triple-chips 15W LEDs】its triple-chip 15W LED design (three 5 watt chips per LED), makes this light both brighter and more efficient than what could be produced by one employing either double or single chip LEDs. This new step in LED technology has been scientifically engineered to optimize...
  11. D

    Curl up and brown spots hellllllppppo

    Sorry I meant big bloom. Runoff is 6.3-6.5. What would the orange and clawing up then be?
  12. D

    Curl up and brown spots hellllllppppo

    So it’s getting worse and I highered the light and did a flush. Why the brown little spots too. It’s curling up midway down the plant and curling down at bottom half.
  13. D

    Please help plant in flowering dying.

    Background 4th week of flower 6.5-6.8ph Fox farm ocean forest soil Fox farms big bloom, grow big and cha Ching 72 degrees day and 68-69 at night. Humidity between 40-50 7 gallon fabric pots 2000 watt LEDS plat 23 inch from light Issue: I fed them yesterday about 1 gallon each plant. As I...
  14. D

    Curl up and brown spots hellllllppppo

    Background 4th week of flower 6.5-6.8ph Fox farm ocean forest soil Fox farms big bloom, grow big and cha Ching 72 degrees day and 68-69 at night. Humidity between 40-50 7 gallon fabric pots 2000 watt LEDS plat 23 inch from light Issue: I fed them yesterday about 1 gallon each plant. As I...
  15. D

    Roots out bottom of plant

    Hi guys. Just started flower yesterday. Growing in 7 gallon fabric pots. Is it an issue if the roots are coming out the bottom of the pot? I have trays under them.
  16. D

    Holes forming on leaves

    Have you ever seen this put holes in the plants? Like the pictures that I took of mine. Just scared because I’m about to flower
  17. D

    Holes forming on leaves

    I’m simply just asking, I’m a newbie, this is my first grow. Just haven’t seen anything saying a root zone too low of ph can cause holes in the plants. Have you experienced this before?
  18. D

    Holes forming on leaves

    You’re saying my ph is to low and that’s what’s eating away at the plants?
  19. D

    Holes forming on leaves

    Not sure what you mean?
  20. D

    Holes forming on leaves

    Hi gang, first time grower. issue: if you can see from pics I’m getting holeson one plant out of the 7 just on top leaves. Also getting some orange/brown spots mostly on lower leaves but now coming on top. I know many will say nut burn but I have now flushed 2x in a row with the FF...