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  1. G

    Harvesting for seeds; what do I need to know?

    Get one of the seeds to check and light press between your fingers, if it cracks so it isnt ready yet. If its hard enough you can harvest already. Letting dry is easier to remove as the seeds just falls out, but you can remove it manually. Keep on a dry place to conservate. ~garam
  2. G

    Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

    I'd say flush the soil and add 1spn dolomite calcarium to regulate the ph. its kinda a reset.
  3. G


    Hi. Well, i've had problemas with spidermites at my last cicle. Azamax didnt work for me. I used Floramite to kill it all. Good luck! ~garam
  4. G

    Need major help with my seedling.. it's growing so slowly and looks really weak..

    Hi. I guess its compact soil.. the roots cant delevop very well. Whats your soil mix ? ~garam