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  1. G

    Gurrila growing madness

    what is your definition of guerilla growing? i thought this meant huge crops outdoors not right?
  2. G

    To Transplant Or Not - That Is The Question

    what you want to do is ideal for the plant most people dont do that because of space issues and you waste a fairly large amount of soil you are likely going to have seedlings that dont make it and when you go to add fertilizer you are going to have to add a lot more than you would if the...
  3. G

    My outdoor crop plans

    Just want to tell you guys what I am doing this year so if I am making any mistakes you can let me know before I screw it up. Ive started 21 plants indoors 12 Early Birds 60% sativa 40% indica and 9 Mother Early Birds that are 80 20. I am going to let them grow for 2 weeks max under tubular...