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    Querkle Grow - mrblu

    Update? How are the girls going I threw 5 querkle and 5 vortex in soil on the 14th both are looking kill
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    3 weeks into flower am I fucked

    Me not having my watering down sounds like the most reasonable thing seeing as This is my first time with air pots moving up from 2 gal nursery pots lol and there is no way I waited anywhere close to 2 weeks. They are looking better better today!
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    3 weeks into flower am I fucked

    Thank you i won't be able to make adjustments till tomorrow evening but I sure do appreciate the help!
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    3 weeks into flower am I fucked

    Hate to bump this but I need a little more insight on my problems
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    3 weeks into flower am I fucked

    I plan on making a trip to the hydro store Friday to empty my first national sock :(
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    3 weeks into flower am I fucked

    It was transplanted 12/16 Main line'd for 16 heads The last time I watered was about a week ago and it felt like there was a little in the bottom. Should I wait longer to water?
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    3 weeks into flower am I fucked

    I'm running super soil in 7 gallon air pots my leaves look like this is it my watering or did I fuck up the soil mix?
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    This thread turned out a lot better than I originally thought I wish everyone luck!
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    I appreciate everyone's input you guys are great!
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    Really cool great to get a response from you sub you've always been an inspirational guy
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    I appreciate it ill have to check those pills out. I think they jump into prescribing psychiatric medication way too fast because they sit down in a room with you for less than 10 minutes and get a general idea of what's wrong and write you a script and your on off! To the races we go! Haha...
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    Thanks blowin' smoke! When I first started taking medicine I was taking paxil and I never felt like I was I touch with reality and it was really scary I wasn't myself at all and everyone around me could tell I was a complete ass hole! The side effects were far worse than what I originally went...
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    You guys are awesome I wish that I had of stopped by here a few months ago before I stated taking anti depressants. They have really turned my life around for the better because I was pretty bad off but I don't like the idea of being dependent on a pill bottle the rest of my life I'm not that...
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    I know this has nothing to do with growing at all but in episode 107 of the weed nerd sub mentioned some weed gave him anxiety and I was curious if you were also anyone else has had that problem or had a panic attack from it? It's a very unpleasant thing as I have experienced it and recently had...