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  1. H

    Fox farm ocean Forrest and autos

    I have autos in ffof anyone out there with similar set up that is up to lend some help to a newbie ? Day 27
  2. H

    Nute burn

    I have 4 autos in 3 and 5 gallon fabric and a 3 and 5 gallon plastics all in ffof 27 days old under 2 tsl2000 lights 1 of them has a bunch of nute burn looking leaves Ppm count in 3000-4000 but i was told that normal due to organic soil Why only 1 plant getting this. Do I...
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    leaf Problems. Help

    This is what I think and hope it is What u think. Any opinions
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    leaf Problems. Help

    I hear that.
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    leaf Problems. Help

    It’s only on one leaf tho
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    They look much worse. I looked it up and I hope it ph fluctuations?
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    What about now ?
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    leaf Problems. Help

    Can anyone help me out with what’s going on with this fan leaf and there are some others with edge burns too. But what’s up with whitish spots leaf
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    What feed do u use ? So your saying I can give my tap water at 8 ph when only watering but when I make a feed solution with my gh flora series then I have to ph it to approx 6.5 ph before giving to plants ?
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    Are u able to lend some guidance.
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    I did not know this. Maybe u guys can help guide me. I was told from hydro store guy and some others that the only dif is that I don’t have to feed my gh nutes till ffof run out of pre nutes which Wud take approx 4-6 weeks (Till bottom leaves start fading ) then I can start a 1/4 amount...
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    So Also what Iam being told is since Iam using ffof soil to only ph when using nutes but when just watering which is every other time is with my tap water that is ph level of 8 and that is fine ?
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    So Wud u suggest 6.8 ph in veg then work to 6.3 ph in start of flower. Something along those lines if in soil ? Or what do U use if u don’t mind me asking
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    I realize that now. Got to make it through this run now. But on next run guna use sunshine mix U able to offer some advice to a newbie
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    Can u suggest different ph levels at different s cycles and quickly explain why I should use them. For I heard that new growers safe ph is 6.5. But Iam up to listen and learn
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    I plan to use general Hydroponic’s flora series. So what your saying is to use non ph tap water every time I only water and to ph water when using my nutrients to 6.5 ph ?
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    And if my tap water is 8 ph will run off show difference. Closer to 6.3-6.8 as per ffof soil amounts ?
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    Fox farm ocean Forrest ph

    But if this is suggested from both you guys then I will try it out Anything explaining such high ppm amounts