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  1. SuperHI TnT

    Bulb Watts

    how many bulbs do i need for about 6 small plants
  2. SuperHI TnT

    Bulb Watts

    i dont want and cant afford a ballast i just what to use small compact bulbs but how many bulb and wat wattage will i need to bloom
  3. SuperHI TnT

    Bulb Watts

    ya thats what i wanted to use
  4. SuperHI TnT

    Bulb Watts

    im using fourescents how many watts do i need
  5. SuperHI TnT

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    well ill tell you guys one thing about manure dont use human shit you will get disentary.thats wat the chinese use to fertilize there rice
  6. SuperHI TnT

    Big Bust

    ya those guys are about fucking dunces wat idiots
  7. SuperHI TnT

    1st Clone 3rd day in

    I KNOW IT DOESNT BUT it defeats the purpose of being sneaky its next to a bunch of plants imean the box is kinda out of place
  8. SuperHI TnT

    Two years in jail for a joint

    dude it seems to me that george bush is responseble for everything in this country if someone gets arrested and sent to jail its his fault IT REALY ISNT YOU ASSES. you know im fuckin tired of winey people like you that bash people you dont even know and it is not like he made that law not only...
  9. SuperHI TnT

    Male Clones

    lol thats a great idea to test it on the shitty males if they die who gives a shit
  10. SuperHI TnT

    1st Clone 3rd day in

    hey skunk i like how you used the toolbox but it really isnt that stealthy when they are right next to a bunch of other plants
  11. SuperHI TnT

    1st Clone 3rd day in

    hey man congrats on your first successful clone (knock on wood)
  12. SuperHI TnT

    Sponge germination

    hey you guys my brother actually suggested something that works:lol: if you put your seeds in the pores of a damp sponge theyll grow just as quick
  13. SuperHI TnT

    Al Gore

    you people should stick to growing pot
  14. SuperHI TnT


    i havent the foggiest skunk
  15. SuperHI TnT


    ok i think ill get the cheaper one
  16. SuperHI TnT


    is perlite those lil white things
  17. SuperHI TnT

    Al Gore

    the towers probably could have been avoided i will say that
  18. SuperHI TnT

    Al Gore

    i agree with skunk he goes with his gut instict
  19. SuperHI TnT


    but there weeds they grow anywere
  20. SuperHI TnT


    but why waaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!