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  1. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    hey riu. sadly, i can no longer continue Misty as an indoor grow..but she was happily transplanted into a larger 3-4 gallon pot outside. i think she likes it and hopefully she'll do fine. im sorry everyone....tell me what ya think. thanks..
  2. King Blunt

    First Grow. Cfl in PC Case - Red Dwarf and Pakistan Ryder

    Ona scent block works like no other. Covers plants/smoke,pets it does everything. I always keep one in the car ;) covers smoke like a motha lol. And btw your girls are looking good man. Keep up the green thumb. Respect man.
  3. King Blunt

    RedEye's Closet Grow

    Congrats on your first grow bro. Id rep ya but i gotta spread some love lol
  4. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Thanks Homer and CD. Sadly I pulled Midsy out lastnight and killed it. Turns out her name was actually Mathew lol. Little disappointed with havin a male, but I see good in it 1) I now can destinguish males from female, many of the growers where I'm from cant hahaha 2) got more room in my tubs :D...
  5. King Blunt

    Lince's Grows and Experiments

    Im subbd bro. Nice setup, and I'm doin some experiementing of my own right now. I kinda like 'em becuase it makes you a better "parent" lol. Mass respect man.
  6. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    here's several pics of Midsy D. Can yall tell whether she's a male or not? also, here's an update on Misty :)
  7. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    If it is a male, when is the latest i can pull him out without pollinating misty?
  8. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Can anyone tell me when I'll be able to tell if Midsy is a he or (hopefully) a SHE :) and when I found that "thing" it wasnt under leaves it was twoard the top of the plant. Thanks for the help and support guys, really appreciate it.
  9. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    here's Misty as of today :) here's Midsy as of today :) and...sorry for the shitty phone pic, but does this look like a male "banana?" I think she has hairs but I found two or three of these on her and I pulled them off. Hope yall can help.
  10. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Midsy D as of yesterday Today :) Misty Today :) Tell me what yall think.
  11. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Updating in a few guys. The girls are half way through the 2nd week of flower. I gotta say my closet smells dank already lol
  12. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    the group at one week of flowering :)
  13. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    tomorrow will be 11 weeks but they are currently on day 4 of flowering
  14. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    here's Misty & Midsy D.
  15. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    CD!!! Been along time dude. Srry I havnt been on ur thread for awhile. My bad dude. Wanted to tell ya, I'm doin some autos soon too. Anyways goodluck with whatev you do. They will turn out badass regardless. Respect man
  16. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Srry I dont update that often, been busy with life lol. Dont know when ill send them into flower, hopefully soon though. Midsy D looks very good. And Misty is recovering well. Btw Homer ur girls looked like the bomb lol.
  17. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    here's an update..the first two are of Misty & the last pic is of Midsy D.
  18. King Blunt

    Help me choose a strain! (Details inside)

    NL is a good strain, but you need to look into what you like. Pick a strain that has the qualities you want. As for the light penetrating the lower branches, you could lollipop or even use CFLs for the sides.
  19. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    No, the temps are 79 with lights off and 88-89 with lights on..
  20. King Blunt

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    Bitching grow man. You did good bro, nice harvest. Sorry I havnt been on in awhile to comment man, things have been shitty lol. Can't believe I watched this grow from the very beginning........ Good job, especially with the PM. Respect, peace, and tons of Bonghits for ya bro.