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  1. TheVolcano

    One 400w vs Two 150w HPS

    400w it is! Thanks EveryOne
  2. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    Too many people saying even 2 150w will not be a good enough primary light source even though its a better light spread, Now my last step is to figure out how to control heat for the winter and summer seasons... To maintain the right temp's as easily as possible what way should i setup the...
  3. TheVolcano

    One 400w vs Two 150w HPS

    any1 think the setup i have drawn for the 400w will work? will my plants have problems if i exhaust into a freezing cold room during the winter? what temp should the room be that my box is in? will a passive intake on the box floor be the best spot? will the TD-150 fan be enough to pull...
  4. TheVolcano

    One 400w vs Two 150w HPS

    yea i want to start asap but id rather w8 and see what i can do to make it beter be4 its even built
  5. TheVolcano

    One 400w vs Two 150w HPS

    I want the 400w i just worried my box was too small here is the setup i was looking to buy 400W: Discount Grow Lights from Hidhut - - 400W HPS Digital Ballast, Bulb and Glass Tube Reflector Combo with the TD-150: Soler & Palau Commercial Centrifugal, Axial, Propeller, Exhaust and Supply Fans...
  6. TheVolcano

    One 400w vs Two 150w HPS

    5 feet tall, 2 feet deep, and 3 feet wide, with 5 inch clearance underneath
  7. TheVolcano

    One 400w vs Two 150w HPS

    Just curious wat every1 thinks would be a better choice with factors such as, size area (rectangle/square), HEAT CONTROL, Bud Form(light/dense) and anything else u can think of!
  8. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    damn so wat u telling me sort of is, 2 x 150w =300w total between 2 lights with no cool tube will be cooler/easier to control heat issues then a 400w single inside a cooltube with inline fan, what im wondering here is will that extra 100w really make that much more heat even if cooltubed?, i...
  9. TheVolcano

    Pictures from my FIRST Grow :)

    wow man thats allot of CFL's haha, your plants look pretty healthy, was curious what the kelvin rating on your bulbs are, if they are all between 5000k and 6500k then flowering under them might not be the best thing, if u can afford it i would switch out for 2700k to 3000k CFL's during...
  10. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    well i plan to start everything in the closet box and put the mother i choose for clones into fluoro lighting that i have in a small box just big enough for about 6 clones and there mother, the reason im now leaning towrds a 400w in cooltube is becuase im hoping with the 300cfm fan it will be...
  11. TheVolcano

    Hot ass homebox!!! 250 watts

    well bro if u got $ to spend then a cooltube type reflector/hood and an inline fan like the inline fans at this thread seem to be the best ive found you would only need the smallest i would think for such a small...
  12. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    well could i get 2 150w hps and not need any cooltube just use any fan and it would efficiently control the heat? (this would be way cheaper then i had planned to spend) or Get a cooltubed single 400w with an inline fan like this...
  13. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    yea but i was recomended to and thinking about getting 2 150w
  14. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    i was hoping to stay around 300$(cant imagine i could spend more for this small of an area unless i got the rediculously over priced LED like the ufo but ppl say they arent as good and i believe them) though i would be willing to spend more if it would be worth it. i noticed u can pick what...
  15. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    alright man, think ive decided to go with the 2 150w econo lights and use my entire closet for flowering, and run a small box with a cfl for a mother plant(still not sure where i can put this yet to avoid losing space in my flower closet), still not sure what im getting into or whats required...
  16. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    :fire: haha! thats the whole point of it!
  17. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    the coco im not sure about how to use it,do i just fill the pot like i would soil, is it some brik form i gota soak in water er something?, will i have to add neutrients? ill see what info i can dig up in the meantime
  18. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    hell ya man keep it commin! this coco stuff ill look into it/ wondering what u mean by it counts as hydro(does it still maintain the better taste qualitys ppl say u get from soil?) when u say "short"a bout what hieght do u think is too high? how do u water ur plants? there allot of diff...
  19. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    i was gonna grow in soil since i heard its the best for "taste" and i am not to experianced with ponics, as to what way i will grow i havent rly decided ive read about sog and a few other methods like bending and lollypop'n ect, was going to focus more on that once the grow space was finished so...
  20. TheVolcano

    Lighting For A Small Closet Grow

    Shyt man sounds good, i still havent built the box yet but i did buy the wood, i rly like this idea it makes things so much more simple, only thing is it excludes using metal halide for veg and i thought having switchable would have a substantial difference in the end, the box dementions almost...