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  1. G

    Question about lights

    I know that but if the plant is growen with 2,700K lights would that make the plants shorter and bushier?
  2. G

    Question about lights

    ok , I know that there are 3 kinds of lights 6,500k 2,700k and one between them if I used 2,700K for veg will it make my plants whiter and more bushy compated to the 6,500K
  3. G

    Breeding Question

    lol ok , I know there's a couple ways to get ferminized seeds but I haven't found out how to make male seeds from a firminized plant
  4. G

    Breeding Question

    ok I've been looking at strains and there are some that I want that are only Ferminized. I was wondering if there is any way that I could get it to create male and female seeds. No I don't want to '' take clones '' to have more I want to be able to have males so I can create my own seeds that...
  5. G

    New to CFL, How many estimated lumens per plant?

    ok you can get away with 1 42w CFL per square foot at min. You don't need alot of light for veg as said in Mr. Green's video but in flowering you need the juice so the more in flowering the better for veg some people have their lights on 24/0 and some have them on for 18/6 since your using...
  6. G

    New to CFL, How many estimated lumens per plant?

    ok here's the 411 1 - You need CFLs that are 6,500K for veg the best one you can get that can be using in a regular light socket is 45w CFL 2 - Your gonna need more then just 1 or 2 CFLs for flowering 3 - if you can buy 96% reflective mylar 4 - use a couple or a few PC fans to move the air
  7. G

    is topping worth it?

    no you should never top or do anything to the plant while its flowering execpt if the leafs are dead take them off you should do all topping and making the plant the right size before you even flower them
  8. G

    is topping worth it?

    topping and leafing is your best friend to get the max yeild out of your plants but don't go gun ho with leafing juring flowering because you can take leafs off that is realy needed insted when you top a plant that part that you toped will stop growing then all the lower brances will try to...
  9. G

    Need CFL grow box help

    if that's going to be your veg and flowering box I'd go with the 54w 6,500K lights insted of the 42w CFL then maybe 1 or 2 42w 2,700K CLFs and if your going with veg then to flowering you can change the 6,500K lights with the 2,700K lights and if you can try to pick up some 96% reflective mylar...
  10. G

    help plz, lower leaves starting to yellow

    who ever reped me please put your user name for the comment part.
  11. G

    DP Brainstorm in ma new grow box 3.0

    Hey cheetah how's your girls comming along? Awsome trees btw
  12. G

    help plz, lower leaves starting to yellow

    ok 1 - Backyard Soil is usaly mainly dirt and not soil 2 - The temp should be at 20C (70F) 3 - I would start to give it 1/8 to 1/4 plant food (20-20-20)
  13. G

    is it bad to super crop in flowering ?

    ok cool thanks that helped out alot
  14. G

    is it bad to super crop in flowering ?

    what is super croping? I've read alot about people doing it on here but I can't get an answer
  15. G

    help plz, lower leaves starting to yellow

    What kind of soil are you using? What's the temp and humid? Is the soil dry when you water it? Venting is one of your problums. These plants need alot of fresh air to thrive If your plant is over 1 month old you should be giving it a bit of nutes once a week or once every 2 weeks at least.
  16. G

    Disappointed With Seeds

    its possible they would do that , some seedbanks will and some won't. some times they sell seeds that are stll to fresh and won't germ and if that's the case they'll usaly send replacements
  17. G

    Disappointed With Seeds

    don't always let the seeds fool you. A friend of min bought some seeds and he had the same problum and his plants all turned out. Soak them in a shot glass of water then plant them when the taproot shows
  18. G

    GreenAngel's Grow Journal

    August 22nd 2009 Ok, I had a bit of spare time to take some pics of my room that I will be using for growing so here they are. Yes I know my room is a mess but I'm at work alot so I usaly don't have time to clean.
  19. G

    only 4" help

    looks like you need to use better light kinda looks like your useing Floresent Tube lights
  20. G

    weak stem

    I would also recomend using CFLs if you don't have alot of plants to give them more light to help them to grow