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  1. S

    Need Help! is it a male!?!?

    plant has been tossed... thanks for your input people!
  2. S

    Need Help! is it a male!?!?

    yup its definitely a male... never seen that before and they are bigger now. well enough to notice its a cluster of balls...
  3. S

    Need Help! is it a male!?!?

    What would i be able to do with them? I just like to grow the females not really into breeding or anything like that. If its a male i rather just get rid of it LOL
  4. S

    Need Help! is it a male!?!?

    thats what i thought but this is my 5th plant and ive never seen that before, so thats why im tryin to fish for some input. You could be right though! should i chance it and let it grow out a bit or just scrap it.
  5. S

    Need Help! is it a male!?!?

    I planted this from seed and I personally think its a boy judging by what im seeing on the nodes... i planted them Jan 1st so its only been a couple of weeks, my question is, is it too soon to determine if its male or female? Pics below..
  6. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    thanks for the tip i will get some tomorrow and try that out and keep you posted!
  7. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    using MG 10-15-10 i used the same soil and food for the big bang strain and it never got like this but since this is a sativa and notnindica anything can be different
  8. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    what would you recommend dosage amount and how often
  9. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    ya after this sativa no more strains that take this long... i only grew this one because it was part of the seed pack... i started with this one first just to get it over and done with
  10. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

  11. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    the soil usually dries out after the 3rd day.. your pics look great btw!
  12. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    thanks for the replies, ph run off is 6.8...
  13. S

    HELP!!! expertise needed!!!

    I have a Hawaiian snow started flowering it five weeks ago... it is on an alternating water/feed schedule. It is a 12 week flowering strain, and is in MG soil ( I have grown in MG before but with a different strain "big bang" ) and all went well... The issue im having here is that the leaves...