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  1. MrJaws41

    Security question: electricity usage pattern?

    YouTube - How to build a home made wind generator watch this guy, he runs is whole shop off a windmill and Batt. I figured it up less the $500. watch all video's
  2. MrJaws41

    Please, Help!!

    Hey, Thanks for the info. Ok, I flushed. my soil has nutes in it.MG says it lasts 3 months. 2 1/2months old now. I didn't notice the bag said Nutes in soil. I wondered what them lil balls Now what? Keep flushing?? I got my Super plant tonic today.. I use BMO's nutes. I was trying to go...
  3. MrJaws41

    Please, Help!!

    Ok, Pics! anyone got any info..
  4. MrJaws41

    Please, Help!!

    It was on 5-2-5 VEG orgainic. it's only been in flower for 8 days. I have given 1/2 & 1/2 the first nutes in flower. Flower 1-8-7. it's only this one plant. I have others of different seeds. it was this female and a male I pulled that stated this yellowing. it's getting worse next 2 sets are...
  5. MrJaws41

    Please, Help!!

    Hey I have looked at the site for days with no luck finding my problem. 2nd week of flowering. 400 hps. temp 80. the bottem 2 fan leafs turned totally yellow in 2 days. and dropped off. 2 days later the next 2 did the same thing. no other sights of problems. no tip burn. the seeds were a good...
  6. MrJaws41

    How do I increase humidity in my drying room?

    :leaf: Hey, get a humidifer. they are cheap. look at a thrift store. or garage sales. also Some shallow pans of water.