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  1. ChunkyNugget

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    I had 5 of these but were all stolen besides this one.
  2. ChunkyNugget

    Early harvest! Stolen..

    this plant is super sugary and smells like candy. I rubbed the oils on my fingers and it smells so sweet to the point where it barely resembles weed. I fed it probably 4 times its whole life with miraclegro bloom booster. (picture taken 9/24)
  3. ChunkyNugget

    Early harvest! Stolen..

    Just a little update on that last plant of mine, it's still completely purple and is getting really sugary, I'll have a picture up soon.
  4. ChunkyNugget

    Early harvest! Stolen..

    Someone broke into my back yard and stole 5 of my plants.. All I have left is this baby....
  5. ChunkyNugget


    How did you harvest in July?
  6. ChunkyNugget

    The FSA Free Shit Army Is Gonna Get Violent

    If we elect Palin we won't have to worry about any of the politic junk. Palin was a house wife so she knows how to run a country! Just look how successful her children are. Tea Party 4 Life! All sarcasm aside, I believe that the OP may be a little confused. Unions were created for proper...
  7. ChunkyNugget

    Boehner,Obama Golf Game

    I agree with sync completely. It is clear that Obama has had an incredibly stressful presidency so far trying to repair us from the previous 2 terms
  8. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    [Update] I think the shitty weather is causing my plants to stretch due to lack of sunlight... I hope that they survive enough to produce good yields. If I were to take clones how much longer would you suggest I wait?
  9. ChunkyNugget

    Question regarding cloning for sex

    I would suggest that you let them grow a few more weeks because they should be close enough to sexual maturity. Don't clone until you have a bunch of branches. Take clones after sex was told and then just plant them as soon as you can, that way you don't have to stress from reveging.
  10. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    Just wanted to say things are good! No pictures just todays sesh.. Remember what we grow this shit for. Sometimes it's easy to forget how to enjoy our end product with how addicting growing is. I wish I had a macro lens because you can't see how crystally this stuff is. It's Blue Dream, a...
  11. ChunkyNugget

    Estimated Bud Yield

    I don't see why you can't go tree of life on that shit and get like 3 lbs =]
  12. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    I tried some home made spray simmilar to that and sprayed some on the back of my neck and heels (mosquitos favorite dining area) and they persisted.. I will have to go buy some. I pulled the ugly leaf tips off, I think that more nodes are forming and leaf sets are coming fast enough that I...
  13. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    Oh no, those are the rubber bands I used to identify my different girls
  14. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    The two yellow banded plants are not doing very well.... I put manure on them today but there problems are persisting. They are beginning to get holes in them and their getting a little yellow.. The others are doing well and have yet to develop any problems... These yellow banded plants barely...
  15. ChunkyNugget

    when will plants start flowering?

    I think he was asking when the photoperiod shift happens that promotes flowering
  16. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    Naw, I'm not going to make contact with it just near it I just ran out there and started spraying that shit like an idiot, I doubt it will have any effect on bugs. I will just go take another 5 out of my paycheck and use the bug duster when I can get it. Hopefully they will not be stressed by then.
  17. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    On this site I have heard numerous people talk about severe problems they got from trying organic bug killer and applying it directly to plants What if just made some of this stuff around the area of the plants but not in their soil or on the leaves. Would it be enough to ward off pests...
  18. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    Temperature today was 90-95 I have absolutely no money, The thick yellow band is the only one with the leaf twist problem right now and I hope it can correct itself. Their area is terribly woodsy and I can't stand to be out there more than a few minutes because of the mosquitoes...
  19. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    Alarming news! I checked on some of them today after work and I saw that one of the leaves was twisted and mangled I often see a few small bugs laying on top of these leaves too.. What method should I use to get rid of these pests and do you have any explanation of the mangled leaf? In order to...
  20. ChunkyNugget

    Bagseed x Guerilla

    I dug holes and then put them in. I think I may put the manure on tonight, any suggestions?