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  1. T

    Plant Update!

    Thanks man, what exactly do you mean by training though? Also do you reckon it's a female?
  2. T

    Plant Update!

    Hi everyone would just like to share some more photos of my plant! It has grown heaps since the last time I posted. Let me know if you have some in put or feedback! Cheers.
  3. T

    Update on my Plant :)

    Hey guys, Just wanted to share a couple of more photos of my plant! I am starting to gain a little bit of confidence that it is a female, here are some photos. Feedback is highly appreciated. After adding perlite and a bit of epsom salt my plant has gone through a growth spurt. Also should I add...
  4. T

    Can you Sext my Plant yet?

    Hey guys was just wondering if anyone would be able to sext my plant, cheers! Its starting to give off a nice smell :)
  5. T

    Question About my Outdoor Plant

    Thanks for your reply adgas. Yea its summer down here hahahaha. I'm still hopping its female! Is there any way for me to sext the plant yet? or is it still too early?
  6. T

    Question About my Outdoor Plant

    Hi Guys I have just planted my first ever marijuana crop and I am wanting some tips. I live in the south island of New Zealand and put in a plant about 5 weeks ago. I'm pretty sure I put it in a bit late for the season but i'm hoping for the best. I'll share some pictures of my plant that is...
  7. T

    Does my plant look healthy so far?

    Thanks guys, I am starting it out on my window sill and then I am planning on moving it outside.
  8. T

    Does my plant look healthy so far?

    Its about 1 month old. Here are some pictures.