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  1. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    Shun....what she said^^^^^ that guys a dick.for what reasons?does he have a small penis?can he not satisfy his man?bro u just cup the balls.....CUP THE FUCKING BALLS!
  2. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    Yeah I'm lame.ur on a forum and u watch the same show but are to much of a pussy to say which one bcz why?idk who are you trying to impress?do I give 2 fucks? fucks will be givin.
  3. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    And bag seed.if I could upload some pics they actually look pretty dope just not growing as fast bcz there flourescents
  4. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    I think I'll try that after my first harvest my family owned a pet store growing up so I'm using old parts lights pots and have spent no money at all im using 10 12" lights for coral growth lol but I think I'll try that after I get alittle more experience.
  5. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    Yeah I'm like I said I'm new and was actually watching something about decided earlier...what does that mean = nube I know
  6. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    What's with the list bro.?i don't get it....Down syndrome.??.
  7. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    Nah I tried that like I said it's only a qt this is my first grow so the soil I used at the begging was kind of dry but I mixed some better soil so it's draining now and I let it dry out for like a week and a half so i know it's not that.and the leaves were hard and the nodes really close...
  8. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

  9. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    Oh shit forgot the reason I actually got on this one of my plants when transplanted it into a qt size pot that I do with all of mine before sending them to 2 gallon pots started doin this funky shit and the leaves weren't curling down but more like the tips are pointed down...and the...
  10. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    I think he means rape isn't a choice bcz "rape" is classified as a forced event on another human being.but I guess it's a choice for the rapist.if that's the route ur going
  11. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    That is.the light coming off of the burning cross in your yard...
  12. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    I'm a 22 year old white male living out of a house I paid for and I buy my peas and carrots just like everyone else...with the governments money.can I get a hell yeah for food stamps?!
  13. Yoeyegrow

    Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

    Your welcome.i hope I've helped you see the light....