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    Eye 600 watt super hps vs ultra sun 600 watt hps

    Have been using the ultra sun for awhile. It was time to replace but the bulb i picked up from the local store took home & didn't work. Brought it back & they were now out of the ultra sun so i went with the eye super hps which was a few bucks more but i had to get a bulb so i got the eye. I...
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    Lucky Day!

    So I was given an areogarden today. Pretty excited to start some clones this way after doing for so long one way & maybe some seeds too. One question I have is how do u get the ppm to go down? For that matter how do u get the ppm up? Sorry rookie here... thanks Any input would be greatly...
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    Hey stony19. I just read your story about you having GREAT success with getting seeds to germ...

    Hey stony19. I just read your story about you having GREAT success with getting seeds to germ out of it. I was hoping u cans give me some pointers. I like you just got one as a gift. I just heard they worked well with cloning so I was like sweet.& so far so good. I did go to the local gear...
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    Purple Wreck

    I am a old vet here & over the years have never had this problem. So I was super pumped to get my new strain started and out of the 13 pwreck seeds I NOT one has germinated. Talk about a bummer. I had one that barely cracked but that was it. This for sure isn't my first go around with this and...